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Tuesday, August 13, 2024 (12:30 PM - 1:30 PM) GMT+10

Pamela Cominos (Founder of Hera Women)

Pamela Cominos

Founder of Hera Women

Our Founder
Pamela Cominos is the owner of Cominos Family Lawyers and Founder of Hera Women, she holds degrees in Education, Master of Arts (in literature), Bachelor of Laws and Diplomas in Mediation and Life Coaching.
Pamela has proudly built a legal practice from the ground up, growing it into a million-dollar business that gives her a life of freedom.
After almost 15 years of working as a Family Lawyer, Pamela embarked on a transformational journey, shifting from being immersed in the day-to-day operations of her legal practice to creating a self-managing business that operates without her.
Pamela is now focused on empowering women business owners to build healthy and highly profitable businesses, scale up and create self-managing businesses so they too can live with freedom.

Nicole Eckels (Founder of Glasshouse)

Nicole Eckels

Founder of Glasshouse

Glasshouse Fragrances was founded in 2005 by Nicole Eckels, a New Yorker far from home.

Having ventured to Sydney in search of adventure, Nicole looked for scents that were exotic and enchanting. So, she created Glasshouse Fragrances as much to fill the fragrant void in the market, as the one in her lifestyle. She started with a focus on candles, and she made the first versions in her kitchen. Curating ingredients, folding them in layers until the notes became a song, she felt moved to places and times and feelings that weren’t in front of her before. She knew then she had unlocked a power she wanted to share with the world. Today Glasshouse Fragrances is the leading fragrance brand in the Southern Hemisphere. We create a multitude of fine fragrances that take every form, each of which is designed to electrify you through your sense of smell. Nicole still leads the brand, and over 200 people. She still creates new fragrances (with the help of an international team of esteemed perfumers). She still invents new formats and double-checks our products every day. She just keeps odd hours now. Because after nearly 2 decades of living down under, she’s back in New York City—happy to be home and thrilled to finally introduce the brand to America.
