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Welcome Note
A Different Look at Insurance: More Open, More Collaborative, More Customer CentricIndustry Analyst View
Michael Araneta

The insurance industry will be the source of ideas and concepts never before seen in the industry. 2019 will be the year that insurers will build on new digital capabilities and take on a “new way of work” which focuses on creating new value for customers, and working in collaboration with others to ensure that this value is gained effectively. IDC will reference the 100 most creative insurers in the region to build a thought-provoking discussion on:
- The 3 Transformations to watch in insurance: Fintech/Insurtech, Data Monetization, and the primacy of analytics

- There is such a thing as Open Insurance: APIs, Data, and Platforms

- The return of customer centricity: digital trust, choice and customer consent

  • Michael Araneta (Head of Research and Advisory for IDC Financial Insights at IDC)

    Michael Araneta

    Head of Research and Advisory for IDC Financial Insights at IDC
Open Discussion: Partner APIs as a Pivot for Distribution Transformation

Insurance products are primarily distributed by insurance agents, brokers and banc assurance partners. Enabling the sales partner’s for digital journey and provide a seamless customer experience is key objective of all insurers in Hong Kong.

Also building up a partner ecosystem supported by technology is critical factor for next wave of change in insurance product distribution. Hong Kong has also taken an initiative to define open API framework for banking & certain insurance products to build an ecosystem.

This session is to bring top technology leaders from insurance industry together to discuss how they can develop effective distribution transformation enabled by technology with Partner API & Open API Framework.

Convergence of IT & Business for IFRS ComplianceA Cognizant Perspective
Nishanth Ramesh

With Changing IT landscape of the organizations to be digitally forward, learn more on how IT and Business converges for a compliance initiative like IFRS . The session would focus also on the areas of impact, best practices and learnings that could help IT organizations in preparing for IFRS implementations.

  • Nishanth Ramesh (Lead Consultant & Practioner, Analytics, Performance & Compliance Management at Cognizant)

    Nishanth Ramesh

    Lead Consultant & Practioner, Analytics, Performance & Compliance Management at Cognizant
Future of InsuranceInsurance 2O21
Srikanth Venkatesan

The insurance industry has undergone a rapid evolution over the last decade – from a regulated, sluggish and traditional industry to a one consumed with fast digital disruptions. Insurers across the world tells us stories of paradigms shifts in their business and operational models, driven by these disruptions across customers, channels and competition. Home to more than half of the world’s digital population, APAC insurance market is already in the disruption whirlwind and the future is very transformative and exciting for the insurers. The session, aims at sketching this future by addressing key questions as below:

- What would be the impact of these disruptions on the future of insurance industry – products, services, channels, operations et al.?

- What is the current state of the industry in terms of digital readiness?

- What are the kind of business, technology and operational shifts the insurers should undertake?

  • Srikanth Venkatesan (Head of APAC Insurance at Cognizant)

    Srikanth Venkatesan

    Head of APAC Insurance at Cognizant
Closing Note
Cocktail & Networking