
Thursday, January 13, 2022 (15:00 - 16:30) GMT +06:30

Event Details

The reopening of government schools on Nov 1, 2021 after nearly one and a half years of school closure came with enrolment numbers that do not look entirely impressive. The country faces uncertainty over both the ongoing pandemic and the country's political environment. On the other hand, a portion of students in Myanmar is already accustomed to educating at home and online learning. A number of students living in big cities are seen enrolling into privately owned schools.

Meanwhile, private schools, institutions and education service providers are seen finding ways to help stay-at-home children attain their academic goals without delays.

In this second panel of the MPE&VCA webinar series "Leading through Crises", we will explore how leaders and entrepreneurs focused on the education sector are gearing up to solve the challenges in the education sector. How are companies taking a responsible investment approach? How have companies ramped up their services during these months and what will the future hold for education businesses, students and the wider education sector.


  1. Adrian Tike, Senior Advisor and Co-founder, Asia Strategic Holdings
  2. Phone Pye Oo, Chief Executive Officer, Ed Tech Myanmar Co., Ltd
  3. Wai Phyo Aung @ Ethan, Director, MMTutors
  4. Genevieve Heng, Director, Anthem Asia (Moderator)

Event Details

Date: 13 Jan 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 15:00-16:20 Myanmar time (GMT + 6:30)

Platform: Zoom

Audience: MPE&VCA members and portfolio companies and friends

Note: Registration is mandatory as seating is limited to only 100. Once your registration is successful, you will receive the Zoom link and instructions prior to the event. The registration does not guarantee seating availability. For any changes in registration, please inform us at least 24 hours prior by emailing us at khun@mpevca.org.

MPE&VCA may, at its sole discretion, make changes to the format, speakers, participants, the programme or any other aspect of the event for any reason.

