Mar 15, 2022 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT) Speakers BC
Barbara B. Comerford, Esq. Partner at Law Offices of Barbara Comeford
https://www.tristate... Barbara B. Comerford has been practicing law in Bergen County, New Jersey for over 30 years primarily in the area of ERISA long-term disability insurance claims and litigation; and Social Se...
Read Bio Barbara B. Comerford, Esq. Barbara B. Comerford has been practicing law in Bergen County, New Jersey for over 30 years primarily in the area of ERISA long-term disability insurance claims and litigation; and Social Security Disability claims and litigation. Ms. Comerford is a graduate of Seton Hall Law School. She has lectured extensively on ERISA Long term disability insurance and Individual Disability Insurance law, as well as, Social Security disability law throughout the United States on behalf of many organizations including the American Association of Law Schools, the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives, the American Association of Trial Lawyers (now the American Association of Justice), the Association of Administrative Law Judges; the American Bar Association, the New Jersey Bar Association, The New York and New Jersey Institutes of Continuing Legal Education, and the Bergen County Bar Association (where she founded the Social Security Committee which she continues to Co-Chair). She has represented thousands of clients seeking long-term disability insurance, Social Security disability and pension government disability benefits. She is one of the co-authors of the CFS Physician Manual (she wrote the Section on proving disability) which was published jointly by the New Jersey Academy of Medicine, the New Jersey Department of Health & Senior Services and UMDNJ. Until recently, it was the only such publication in the United States. It has been utilized by physicians and patients throughout the country to recognize and properly diagnose CFS. Ms. Comerford recently co-authored a medical journal article on ME/CFS for the Frontiers Journal and has published several other articles in medical journals pertaining to ME/CFS. Ms. Comerford has testified before the U.S Department of Health & Human Services CFS Scientific Advisory Committee on Education Law Recommendations for Adolescents diagnosed with severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
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