NREA Foundation Hall of Fame 2020-2021
Class of 2020 Scott Turney Indiana Small and Rural Schools Association
Class of 2021 Phil Gerik Oct. 1, 1949 - Dec. 21, 2020 Texas Rural Education Association |
NREA Awards & Programs NFARE 2021 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Our panel of judges selects the winner for Best Research Award submitted for the Research Symposium. We recognize the author in conjunction with the Annual NREA Research Symposium. Emerging From the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons for Preparing Rural District Leaders Presenters: Dr. Catharine Biddle, Dr. Maria Frankland, and Dr. Ryan Crane, University of Maine
This award, in honor of Stanley A. Brzezinski, is funded by the Brzezinski family. It honors educational research that addresses significant rural issues and makes notable contributions to the knowledge base of rural education. Presented to Dr. Amy Azano-Price, Virginia Tech University. |
Indiana's Rural Student Panel Lexi Woodcock, from Sheridan High School Michael Cronin, from Sheridan High School Kyler Couch, from Greensburg High School Elena Andrades, from Greensburg High School Braeden Baker, from New Palestine High School
Rural Now: A Fair Chance at a Good Life: - How can rural living be more economically and environmentally sustainable?
- How can rural learning be more relevant and valuable personally, locally, and globally?
- How can rural places be more inclusive and less divisive when they address racial, ethnic, class, and gender equity issues?
| Teach Rural: JOB BOARD Find open positions for teachers, principals, and administrators and learn more about the surrounding area by clicking into a region below. Questions? Check out the FAQ. |
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CEF: Policy Intelligence and Education News |
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CBO score of Education and Labor provisions in the Build Back Better Act (attached CEF side-by-side) – Yesterday the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its score of the Education and Labor Committee provisions in the Build Back Better reconciliation bill that the House may vote on as soon as this week. The attached CEF table shows the CBO score of outlays (how much will actually be spent out) over ten years for each of the education-related provisions in the bill. Two provisions from the Energy and Commerce Committee portion of the reconciliation bill haven’t been scored yet, but CBO plans to have the entire bill scored by Friday evening, setting up a House vote that night or on Saturday assuming the total score meets with the approval of a majority of Democrats. CEF’s table shows the provisions in the current version of the bill, which was modified to cut the total cost in half, in comparison with what was originally reported by the House committees. The total for the Department of Education is now $38.3 billion, only about 20% of the funding in the original reconciliation proposal. The biggest differences are because the bill no longer includes $82 billion for school construction or any funding for free community college. Funding was trimmed for many other provisions, although funding grew in two areas: for investments in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority-Serving Institutions, and Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities; and for Community College and Industry Partnerships. House Appropriations Chair DeLauro outreach on FY 2022 appropriations – Yesterday, House Appropriations Committee chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) held a virtual meeting with coalitions to discuss the importance of Congress acting on fiscal year (FY) 2022 appropriations and not resorting to longer extensions of government funding at the FY 2021 levels. She reported that Republican appropriations leaders want to change the customary process of negotiation that starts with an agreement on the topline for defense and for non-defense discretionary (NDD) funding, then settles the programmatic funding levels, and finally hashes out the policy issues. Instead, Senate Appropriations Committee ranking member Richard Shelby (R-AL) wants Democrats to agree on “legacy policy riders” (some of which Democrats eliminated in their FY 2022 bills) before beginning negotiations on funding. The Democratic and Republican appropriations leaders are thus at an impasse. Chair DeLauro on Tuesday sent a Dear Colleague letter to Democrats outlining the importance of enacting FY 2022 appropriations bills. It included a fact sheet from the Office of Management and Budget laying out priorities that need to be addressed in FY 2022 appropriations, including education. The fact sheet highlights the need to: - Increase Title I funding to address learning loss and help close the achievement gap between wealthier and lower-income schools;
- Increase teacher pay;
- expand wraparound services;
- increase funding for students with disabilities; and
- support student loans and grants to ensure access to college.
Chair DeLauro encouraged advocates to write to Congress – both Democrats and Republicans – making the case for what necessary services and programs are at risk if Congress fails to soon enact full-year FY 2022 appropriations and instead relies on a long-term continuing resolution. As described in the Advocacy section below, CEF is this week sending a letter to other coalitions. - Summary of hearing on “Examining the Implementation of COVID-19 Education Funds” – Attached is a summary of yesterday’s joint Education and Labor Subcommittee hearing where Department of Education witnesses answered some questions about how COVID-relief funding is being spent – the purposes, the oversight, and the speed of the spending.