This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Instructional Technology Council events.

Join a leader in advancing distance education! The Instructional Technology Council (ITC) is proud to offer the eLearning Conference in Las Vegas, NV on February 10-13, 2019. This annual meeting is the premiere event for eLearning Administrators, eLearning Faculty, Instructional Designers, Online Media Specialists, and Web Course Developers.

Why should you attend? Three reasons.

  1. As a colleague in the distance education field, it is critical to stay up to date with technology as it relates to your position.
  2. Exchange your ideas with colleagues from around the country
  3. eLearning offers you and your colleagues workshops, keynote speakers, vendors exhibiting the latest eLearning technologies and services, round-table discussions, and a multitude of concurrent sessions.

Do you need help convincing your leadership?