You can have it all if you are hungry enough for it! Learn how our patterns and standards affect our results. The power to control our thoughts is the key to business (and life) success!
Jodi Low
Founder & CEO of U & Improved
Parting remarks & departures
Registration & light refreshments
Women in Business welcome
Welcome remarks, Chair Suzy Greenwood
Presenting sponsor welcome
Welcome remarks by presenting sponsor BD
Lead with the Spark: Knowledge is Not Power Olenka Cullinan
Learn to become the driving force of Spark leadership in your workspace and most importantly understand - that knowledge is not power! Welcome to the era that idolizes startups and skeptical of Fortune 500 CEOs, encourages the cause over money and seeks to be empowered and not managed. How can you and your company become the igniter to create the largest ripple effect for the next generation of leaders? Join Olenka to re-define your purpose, elevate your leadership skills with the tools that build tomorrow’s leadership today.
Olenka Cullinan
CEO & Founder of #iStartFirst
Parting remarks & departures
Registration & light refreshments
Women in Business welcome
Welcome remarks, Chair Suzy Greenwood
Presenting Sponsor Welcome
Welcome remarks by presenting sponsor BD
Embracing Change to Lead Transformation Joan Jakel
There’s one constant in life – everything changes. Learn how to harness change to design a life, career or business that supports your evolution. You’ll leave with a toolbox of resources to overcome obstacles, tame your fears, exercise courage and live into your vision.
Joan Jakel
Empowerment Instigator
Parting remarks & departures
Registration & light refreshments
Women in Business welcome
Welcome remarks, Chairperson Suzy Greenwood
Presenting sponsor welcome
Welcome remarks by presenting sponsor BD
How to welcome Millennial energy into a multi-generational workforce Adam Lee Brooks
In this informative session, speaker and author Adam Lee Brooks will discuss three major ideas about Millenials in our workforce: 1. We have more similarities than differences. 2. Millennial-friendly equals community, family and creativity. 3. The easier it is to exchange ideas, the higher functioning your company is.
Adam Lee Brooks
Founder of Youth Awareness & Safety
Parting remarks & departures
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