Hearing Protection Devices 101 Dr. Sarah Mouser, Au.D., CCC-A, CPS/A
Did you know there are more than two types of hearing protection devices? Join me as we explore the variety of hearing protection devices available through a hands-on experience. We will tackle how to fit a hearing protection device correctly, common advantages/disadvantages of each and how you can improve compliance in your organization.
How to Determine What You Need (Hearing Protection) Dr. Sarah Mouser, Au.D., CCC-A, CPS/A
What in the world do NRR and PAR mean anyways?! We will take a deep dive into defining what these terms mean, how you can quickly apply these measurements to determine the BEST options for your employees and learn about options for fit testing verification for hearing protection devices.
Obsess about Work for better Safety Outcomes Mike Behm, Ph.D, CSP
If you do safety in your organization, what do you focus on? The traditional focus on compliance, risk, better procedures, and behavior will only get you so far in your safety efforts. Safety Professionals need to obsess about work! What makes work successful and not successful? This presentation will explore how safety professionals can take a deeper dive into studying work and uncovering weak signals that, if not addressed, can lead to accidents and poor health outcomes.
Discussing safety awareness/planning of working in the proximity of power lines and solar power energy Presented By: Electrical Carteret County Co-Op
Business Continuity
Speaker: Joe Darko
Break & Vendor Visitation
Tried & True • Successful & Ethical Return to Work (RTW) Strategies Anastasia Settle, RN, CCM
After attending this session, the participant will be able to understand the concepts of evidence based medicine and ODG’s. Attendees will also understand the impact of consistent and clear communication from the time of injury to the resolution of care upon the return to work process. Students of this class will gain guidance on options that they may want to employ to affect a successful return to work. An overarching theme of the application of Ethical Principles during the handling and resolution of workplace injuries is addressed throughout the presentation.