Friday, September 11, 2020 (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) GMT+7
Food and Foodstuff Association of Ho Chi Minh City (FFA) is a non-governmental organization representing manufacturing businesses - business - food processing, food in the locality Ho Chi Minh City (with over 50% of the number of members working in food sector products such as sauces - spices, seafood, agricultural products, beverages - drinks, sweets, etc...).
Vietnam Packaging Association is a socio-professional organization of manufacturers, trading, use, research and management related directly or indirectly to the field of packaging.
Operating since 1989, RUPA is gathering 127 manufacturers from Rubber and Plastic sectors in HCMC and Gia Ðịnh province to offer support, knowledge and business opportunities with local and international companies. Its active role in events provides technical knowledge for the participants as well as assisting in their technological development.
在经济繁荣的今天,生活水平提高升级以来,带动员工革命性,各项行业人员缺失时局,带来各级工资波动惊人。日常食品消费者日益增加,各级食品工业加速生产,供不应求。敝廠创业六十余年来,对食品机械不断深究实验改良与革新,自动程序节省许多人员且配合顾客需要而设计,整廠规划输出,且荣获各国各项专利,身受众多爱用者赞誉,今特此盛谢。 敝廠扩充量产,对各种食品机械成本降低,而提高质量要求更精密信赖回馈顾客,合理价格大众化。 近几十年来,制造食品加工机械工业陆续发展,各厂产品机种优劣难以评论,优良机械对于加工质量产量,可达到如意效果,较差机种,作业过程差距甚远,对制造成品甚巨影响,敬请使用者需求现代新观念,选择更新机种质量卫生耐用比较,是重于事业展望未来基础,因此市场上机械厂牌繁多复杂,请采用信赖可靠的厂牌,可带来创业顺利发达,以上期望多多赐教!