Session One
Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DCSachin Baba, Orthopaedic SurgeonKendrah Da Silva, Chiropractor, President of WFC

08:00 Welcome - Dr Michael Pritchard - President of CASA, Chiropractor

08:15 Exhibitor - KZN Convention Bureau

08:25 Myofascial trigger point therapy for low back pain: Integrating Chiropractic techniques - Dr Ricardo Fujikawa : MD, DC, Vice-President Fujitega Foundation

09:25 Exhibitor - Ergotherapy

09:30 The natural history of rotator cuff tears - Dr Sachin Baba: Orthopaedic Surgeon

09:50 Practicing EPICally - supporting the principles of the WFC in everyday practice - Dr Kendrah Da Silva: Chiropractor, President of WFC

  • Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC (Dr)

    Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC

  • Sachin Baba, Orthopaedic Surgeon (Dr)

    Sachin Baba, Orthopaedic Surgeon

  • Kendrah Da Silva, Chiropractor, President of WFC (Dr)

    Kendrah Da Silva, Chiropractor, President of WFC

Session Two
Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DCVilash Boodhoo, ChiropractorW Mare Moolman, ChiropractorYovanka Torrente, Orthotist and ProsthetistDesiree Varatharajullu, Chiropractor, HOD - DUTChris Yelverton, Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Reasearch and Innovation (UJ)


ROOM 1: Cranial assessment for paediatric skull deformities and intervention protocols

Ms Yovanka Torrente – Orthotist and Prosthetist

ROOM 2: Finding equilibrium: Exploring the science and significance of balance in humans

Dr Vilash Boodhoo - Chiropractor


ROOM 1: Importance of understanding the lived experiences of chronic pain sufferers

Dr Desiree Varatharajullu - Chiropractor, HOD (DUT)

ROOM 2: The paradigm of low back pain and internal disc disruption

Dr W Mare Moolman - Chiropractor


ROOM 1: Advancements in Activator Methods®: Instrument-assisted manipulative treatment

Dr Ricardo Fujikawa – MD, DC, Vice-President Fujitega Foundation

ROOM 2: Panel discussion: Chiropractic attitude and utilisation of evidence-based practice in SA: a secondary analysis

Prof Chris Yelverton - Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Research and Innovation (UJ)

  • Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC (Dr)

    Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC

  • Vilash Boodhoo, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Vilash Boodhoo, Chiropractor

  • W Mare Moolman, Chiropractor (Dr)

    W Mare Moolman, Chiropractor

  • Yovanka Torrente, Orthotist and Prosthetist (Ms)

    Yovanka Torrente, Orthotist and Prosthetist

  • Desiree Varatharajullu, Chiropractor, HOD - DUT (Dr)

    Desiree Varatharajullu, Chiropractor, HOD - DUT

  • Chris Yelverton, Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Reasearch and Innovation (UJ) (Prof)

    Chris Yelverton, Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Reasearch and Innovation (UJ)


14:00 CASA

Social EventGreek Evening
Session Three
Esther Pillay - Naidoo, Registrar AHPCSAAnupa Ramnarain, Vascular and Endovascular SurgeonGarrick Haswell, Chiropractor

08:00 Bio ethics: Part 1 - Ms Esther Pillay-Naidoo: Registrar AHPCSA

09:00 Vertebrobasilar insufficiency - Dr Anupa Ramnarain: Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon,

09:45 An introduction to dynamic corrective bracing for the management of idiopathic adolescent scoliosis - Dr Garrick Haswell: Chiropractor

  • Esther Pillay - Naidoo, Registrar AHPCSA (Ms)

    Esther Pillay - Naidoo, Registrar AHPCSA

  • Anupa Ramnarain, Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon (Dr)

    Anupa Ramnarain, Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon

  • Garrick Haswell, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Garrick Haswell, Chiropractor

Session Four
Jacqui Bunge, ChiropractorSimon Lawson, ChiropractorCandice Pyper, ChiropractorRobb Russell, DC


ROOM 1: Our basic’s to their world championship performance... and beyond! - Dr Simon Lawson : Chiropractor

ROOM 2: Paediatric Chiropracitc Africa: Babies, Basic and Beyond - Dr Jacqui Bunge : Chiropractor

ROOM 1: Chiropractic practice in the continent of Africa: A structured online survey of 608 chiropractors - Dr Robb Russell : DC

ROOM 2: Evaluation of Chiropractic professional subgroups in SA - Dr Candice Pyper: Chiropractor

  • Jacqui Bunge, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Jacqui Bunge, Chiropractor

  • Simon Lawson, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Simon Lawson, Chiropractor

  • Candice Pyper, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Candice Pyper, Chiropractor

  • Robb Russell, DC (Dr)

    Robb Russell, DC

Session Five
Mufudzi Chihambakwe, Chiropractor, WSCEbrahim Joosab, RadiologistFarhana Paruk, RheumatologistMichael Pretorius, ChiropractorChris Yelverton, Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Reasearch and Innovation (UJ)

14:00 Impact of early diagnosis and referral of immune mediated connective tissue disease - Dr Farhana Paruk: Rheumatologist

14:30 Radiographic evaluation of the cervical spine - Dr Ebrahim Joosab: Radiologist

15:00 The frequency and presentation of upper thoracic spinous process deviations, their relationship to articular morphology and the potential influence on static palpation techniques - Prof Chris Yelverton: Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Research and Innovation (UJ)

16:00 - 16:45 Panel Discussion Chiropractic integration in hospitals: Lessons from World Spine Care - Dr Mufudzi Chihambakwe: Chiropractor, WSC, & Dr Michael Pretorius, Chiropractor, Dr Brad Beira: Chiropractor, Risk & Regulatory Lead Pwc, Dr Neerasha Ramsamy - Chiropractor

  • Mufudzi Chihambakwe, Chiropractor, WSC (Dr)

    Mufudzi Chihambakwe, Chiropractor, WSC

  • Ebrahim Joosab, Radiologist (Dr)

    Ebrahim Joosab, Radiologist

  • Farhana Paruk, Rheumatologist (Dr)

    Farhana Paruk, Rheumatologist

  • Michael Pretorius, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Michael Pretorius, Chiropractor

  • Chris Yelverton, Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Reasearch and Innovation (UJ) (Prof)

    Chris Yelverton, Chiropractor, ECCE President, Vice-Dean: Reasearch and Innovation (UJ)

Gala Dinner
Session Six
Fatima Ismail, Chiropractor - HOD (UJ)Danella Lubbe, Vice-President of CASA, ChiropractorEsther Pillay - Naidoo, Registrar AHPCSAHaroun Mahomed, Orthopaedic Surgeon

08:00 Bio ethics: Part 2 - Ms Esther Pillay - Naidoo: Registrar AHPCSA

09:00 Traumatic ankle injury: orthopaedic perspective - Dr Haroun Mahomed : Orthopaedic Surgeon

09:30 Embracing social responsibility: CASA Cares and beyond - Dr Danella Lubbe : Vice-President of CASA, Chiropractor

09:45 Mapping evidence of spinal manipulation therapy for headaches in South Africa: A scoping review of the grey literature - Dr Fatima Ismail: Chiropractor, HOD (UJ)

10:05 Exhibitor

  • Fatima Ismail, Chiropractor - HOD (UJ) (Dr)

    Fatima Ismail, Chiropractor - HOD (UJ)

  • Danella Lubbe, Vice-President of CASA, Chiropractor (Dr)

    Danella Lubbe, Vice-President of CASA, Chiropractor

  • Esther Pillay - Naidoo, Registrar AHPCSA (Ms)

    Esther Pillay - Naidoo, Registrar AHPCSA

  • Haroun Mahomed, Orthopaedic Surgeon (Dr)

    Haroun Mahomed, Orthopaedic Surgeon

Session Seven
Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC

10:45 Exhibitor

11:00 Diagnostics imaging on focus: Case studies, patient management, and optimal use guidelines - Dr Ricardo Fujikawa: MD, DC, Vice-President Fujitega Foundation

12:15 Vote of thanks and farewell

  • Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC (Dr)

    Ricardo Fujikawa, MD, DC
