Wednesday, October 13, 2021 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
Behavioral and medical healthcare workers are often faced with clients/patients who have been labeled as difficult, uncooperative, or unwilling to engage in activities or processes intended to be helpful to them. On the other hand, staff training has often been limited to learning some basic theoretical information about how important it is to "start where the person is at" and to develop a "care plan" to assist people with their needs. Although staff may know WHAT needs to be accomplished, they are often unsure HOW to go about the process in a systematic manner. Participants will learn a practical approach to problem-solving and decision-making with an emphasis on consumer self-determination. The role of the "helper" in this process is to guide people through a mutual endeavor aimed toward a resolution rather than just telling them what they should do to meet their needs.
Learning Objectives:
ยท How to quickly assess a person's situation/needs
ยท How to guide people through a defined problem-solving/decision-making process
ยท How to incorporate realistic goals into case/care plans
Educator/Trainer/Consultant at Munro Consulting