
Wednesday, July 16, 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) GMT+10

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11:30 AM

Arrival and Sign-In

12:00 PM

Welcome to the CMP
Scope and Context of the Program

12:15 PM

Participant Objectives & Introduction to Syndicates

12:45 PM

Roles and Responsibilities in context of Victorian Emergency Management Legislation and Commonwealth Expectations

1:30 PM

Lunch Break

2:00 PM

Briefings, Communication and Working with Frameworks

2:45 PM

Hypothetical Introduction and Scope of Consequences

3:15 PM

Afternoon Tea Break

3:45 PM

Hypothetical Scenario - All the Rivers Run
Deep dive and utilise frameworks for consequence mapping and briefing structure

4:45 PM

Briefing Presentations and Syndicate Reflections
Feedback from SCRC members and opportunity to repeat Briefings

6:00 PM

Strategy in Action
Leadership for the Marathon, Not the Sprint
Building Resilient Teams

6:30 PM

Reflection by Delegates
Observations and Resources
Delegate Action Plans

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

Canapรฉs & Networking