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Courtney Park

Courtney Park

One day awhile back, I walked into a family history library and said, I’d like to create a family tree, can you help me?
They did, and that is when I fell in love with family history.
Now, I help others create their family trees.
As a volunteer, I am the lead family history consultant for a FamilySearch affiliated family history library that serves the greater Houston area. I also serve as the lead family historian on a committee that partners with historic cemeteries to connect the interred to their living descendants.
Professionally, I have helped many individuals and families begin their genealogy, expand existing family history, make discoveries, and preserve family memories.
Since starting, I have made over 50,000 contributions to the FamilySearch global family tree, connecting individuals and families across continents and around the globe.
More importantly, I have witnessed firsthand the powerful impact that family history work has on those who are living. My friend, Annabel, calls it “magic.” I have to agree, there is a certain magic that happens when families are connected.