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Programme Highlights

Employers can achieve stronger global governance and execute their global employee benefits (EB) strategy. Pricing the risk at a global portfolio level means that employers can achieve better terms and conditions. However, not all employers know how to achieve this effectively.

Contrary to widespread belief, highly efficient risk management can be achieved for multinationals looking to set up an employee benefits captive programme. Solutions can be structured such that the underwriting profit remains with the employer while they retain increased flexibility in the design of employee benefit plans with terms and conditions


This programme examines new ways to better manage employers' global employee benefits programmes through employee benefits networks. It covers the methods of setting up a new employee benefits captive programme or getting the most out of employers' risk benefits financing. Participants will learn how policyholders benefit from tailored coverage, consistent benefits across countries, and the expertise of a global network. Case studies will be shared to enhance participants' understanding in these key areas.

For Whom

  • HR Executives from multinational companies with centralised management of employee benefits worldwide, with or without an existing captive arrangement.
  • HR professionals, benefits managers, global mobility teams, and professionals involved in designing and managing employee benefits programs across international locations.
  • HR professionals, benefits managers, global mobility teams, and professionals aiming to learn how highly efficient risk management can be achieved for multinationals looking to set up an employee benefits captive programme.
  • Employee benefits underwriters, reinsurers and claims managers involved in multinational employee benefits programs.
  • Insurance brokers involved in designing and advising on multinational employee benefits programs.

Key Learning Objectives

At the end of the programme, participants should be able to:

  • Know the history of pool/captives and the overview of the network providers in the market.
  • Understand Multinational Organizations' EB needs and market development.
  • Know the advantages of the alternative financing models available in the market.
  • Understand the various stakeholders' roles and responsibilities in a global EB solution i.e. pool / captive set up.
  • Know how to leverage the global EB solution.
  • Know the factors to consider when choosing the pool/captive providers.
  • Understand the issues to lookout for when developing a global EB solution i.e. pool / captive program.

Event Details
