Event Details

A Free Webinar Presentation - All are Invited!

The COVID pandemic has had a dramatic impact on our society and older adults have experienced a significant proportion of the morbidity and mortality associated with the virus. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of completing advance care plans to ensure that your healthcare wishes are respected. COVID has also changed the way we are able to approach end of life and honor the lives of those we have lost. Join us for a discussion focusing on end of life issued in the time of COVID.

1.0 CE CREDIT/Certificate will be awarded to Illinois nurses, social workers, professional counselors and nursing home administrators.

There is no fee to participate in this event as CJE SeniorLife is graciously covering the costs of all attendees.


1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Webinar Presenttion
For those needing CE Credit and/or a CE Certificate - the evaluation form must be completed and returned to Events@Elderwerks.org
072220 EVAL Rice COVID.docxdownload
072220 EVAL Rice COVID.pdfdownload


  • Kelly Rice, MPH (Program Manager at Howard Brown Health)

    Kelly Rice, MPH

    Program Manager at Howard Brown Health


    Kelly Rice is the Program Manager for Intensive Community Care Services at Howard Brown Health in Chicago. She currently oversees the Ryan White Par A HIV medical case management program, the diabetes case management program, and an LGBTQ focused aging health and wellness program at Howard Brown. Kelly is an active member in the Chicago LGBTQ community and serves on several committees and boards, including the Chicago LGBTQ Aging network, the American Society on Aging (ASA) LGBT Aging Issues Network (LAIN) Council and One Roof Chicago. Kelly received her Master's in Public Health and Bachelor's of Arts in Women's Studies and Sociology at DePaul University.

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072220 EVAL Rice COVID.docxdownload
072220 EVAL Rice COVID.pdfdownload
072220 FLYER COVID Rice.pdfdownload


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7/22/20 End of Life Issues Webinar - Professional TIcket

Webinar Presentation 1:00 PM
A link to the webinar will be emailed after registration and prior to the event.

All professionals needing CE CREDIT/Certificate Ticket.

Standard Price Complimentary
7/22/20 End of Life Issues Webinar - Consumer Ticket

Webinar Presentation 1:00 PM

This ticket is for those NOT NEEDING CE CREDIT/Certificate and Consumers/Community Members ONLY

Standard Price Complimentary