The Hermosillo Energy and Climate Change Office has as its objectives the efficient operation of public lighting and to promote the use of renewable energies in homes, businesses and public buildings. Sonora Energy Cluster is an association of multidisciplinary experts from business, government and academia, who collaborate to boost the competitiveness of the energy industry in the state and the region. Mexican company that produces and commercializes clean energy throughout Mexico. Alvarez is a consulting and business development firm that focuses on Government Relations, Public Affairs and International Business in Arizona. company in Mexico in the installation, consulting and turnkey delivery of solar energy projects to reduce electricity consumption. con bases en el desarrollo tecnológico con presencia en el centro, norte y sur de la República Mexicana Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras y Costa Rica. de sistemas fotovoltaicos que ofrecen al mercado productos y soluciones de la más alta calidad y más avanzada tecnología. es el eslabón entre las empresas que buscan lograr ahorros en el gasto mensual de energía sin hacer grandes inversiones en sistemas fotovoltaicos y fondos de inversión comprometidos con el medio ambiente, creando un modelo financiero sustentable para energías renovables.