Registration will close on May 20, 2025
Bus Loading

There will be buses taking IPAC participants from the Holiday Inn Downtown(101 Pacific Ave, Saskatoon), to the University of Saskatchewan(107 Wiggins Rd, Saskatoon). There will only be one time to catch the departing buses. Buses leave at 8:00AM.

Bus Departs for University of Saskatchewan

Buses transport attendees to the Health Sciences Building at the University of Saskatchewan.

In Transit
Breakfast and Registration

HLTH 1130
University oof Saskatchewan, Health Sciences E Wing
107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


Transition to main space.
HLTH 1150
University of Saskatchewan, Health Sciences E Wing
107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Opening Ceremony

HLTH 1150
University of Saskatchewan, Health Sciences E Wing
107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Wellness Sessions: Expand for full details

Two-Eyed Seeing (Wampum Teaching, 7 sacred teachings, creation story)
A session exploring the teachings of Wampum, the Seven Sacred Teachings, and the Creation Story, through the lens of Two-Eyed Seeing.
Location: TBD

Beading Workshop
A hands-on beading workshop where participants create beautiful pieces while learning traditional techniques.
Location: TBD

Smudge with an Elder
A smudging session guided by Elders/Knowledge Keepers.
Location: TBD

Pow Wow Fitness
A fitness class inspired by pow wow movements, led by a Jingle Dress Dancer, and co-facilitated by a Grass Dancer.
Location: TBD

Led nature/medicine walk
A guided walk through Saskatoon nature, focusing on plants and their healing properties. If the weather does not permit, participants will join the Wampum Teaching session.
Location: TBD

Teepee Métis Cultural Session
A cultural session inside the University of Saskatchewan teepee, where traditional stories are shared with the group.
Location: TBD

Jigging workshop
An energetic dance workshop where participants learn traditional jigging.
Location: TBD

Exhibitors and Vendors

Dedicated time to view our sponsors exhibition tables, and shop with local Indigenous makers.
This will be set up in the Health Sciences Building e-wing lobby.

Lunch/Indigenous Deans Meeting

HLTH 1130
University of Saskatchewan, Health Sciences E Wing
107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Closed Indigenous Deans Meeting:
Location: TBD


Transition to main space.
HLTH 1150
University oof Saskatchewan, Health Sciences E Wing
107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Annual General Meeting/National Indigenous Health Sciences Circle Meeting for Indigenous Coordinators

Annual General Meeting
HLTH 1150
University of Saskatchewan, Health Sciences E Wing
107 Wiggins Rd
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Description: IPAC's Annual General Meeting

National Indigenous Health Sciences Circle Meeting for Indigenous Coordinators
Location: TBD


Transition to applicable breakout room.
Sacred F.I.R.E. Panel

Incorporating Traditional Medicine & Practice

Research Mentorship

What You Need to Know Before Practicing in Community

Allyship in Action

Breakout SessionsExpand for full details

Sacred F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Resilience, and Empowerment)
This interactive panel of Indigenous physicians as they share their valuable insights and inspiration on overcoming financial obstacles with grace and determination. Facilitated by our Annual Mentorship Gathering sponsor, MD Financial, this session will provide Indigenous medical learners and physicians with practical tools to achieve financial independence, build resilience, and empower their financial futures.
Location: TBD

Incorporating Traditional Medicine & Practice
Join Dr. Karenna'onwe (Gaw-law-naw-oo-way) Hill, a Mohawk physician from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, and Dr. Don Wilson, a member of the Heiltsuk Nation, for a powerful breakout session on the integration of Traditional Medicine in modern healthcare. Dr. Hill and Dr. Wilson will share their insights on how Indigenous healing practices, rooted in cultural traditions and the natural world, complement and enhance contemporary medical approaches. This session will explore the importance of blending Western medicine with Indigenous knowledge to foster holistic healing, respect for the land, and a deeper understanding of health and wellness.
Location: TBD

Making Space for the CMA Apology
This unmoderated breakout session is exclusively for Indigenous attendees to reflect on the Canadian Medical Association's apology to Indigenous peoples. It provides a space for open sharing and personal reflection on the apology's impact, recognizing that these discussions may evoke difficult emotions or cause harm.
Attendees are encouraged to engage at their own comfort level. To support participants, time will be provided to explore the CMA and IPAC Wellness and Healing Resource Guide for Indigenous Physicians and Learners.
This is an opportunity to hold space for one another and reflect on how the apology resonates within our lives and communities.
Location: TBD

What you need to know before practicing in community
Join Dr. Ojistoh Horn, Dr. Jamaica Cass, and Shelley Young for an open discussion about practicing in your home community. Is it all you think it will be? What can you do to improve your experience? This session will explore the pros and cons of returning to work within your own community, delving into the unique challenges and rewards that come with it. Bring your questions for a lively Q&A session, where these panelists will share their experiences and offer advice for those considering this important path.
Location: TBD

Allyship in Action
Join IPAC Physician Director Dr. Ryan Giroux, a member of the Métis Nation of Alberta with roots in Fort Chipweyan, and IPAC Executive Director Melanie Osmack for an impactful session on Allyship in Action. This session will explore how allies can take meaningful, concrete steps to support Indigenous colleagues, learners, and communities, with a focus on accountability. As former IPAC President Dr. Mandy Buss powerfully said, "Allyship is a relationship with accountability." Discover how to turn this principle into practice and build genuine, accountable relationships through actionable allyship.
Location: TBD

Bus loading and transit to Holiday Inn Downtown
IPAC Reception

The reception will be held at the TCU Place, right across the street from the Holiday Inn Downtown.
Salon AB
35 22 St E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C8

6:00PM-8:00PM Mingling, networking, refreshments
8:00PM-9:00PM IPAC Graduation Ceremony, IPAC Awards
9:00PM-10:00PM Mingling, networking, refreshments

There will be refreshments and snacks available.

Bus Loading

There will be buses taking IPAC participants from the Holiday Inn Downtown(101 Pacific Ave, Saskatoon), to Wanuskewin(RR#4 Penner Road
Saskatoon, SK). There will only be one time to catch the departing buses. Buses leave at 8:30AM.

Bus Departs for Wanuskewin

Buses depart for Wanuskewin.

In Transit

Breakfast in the paskwāw Round.

Group A Sharing Circles

During this time, attendees who have been assigned to Group A will attend their led sharing circle, while those in Group B will have time to explore Wanuskewin.

Group B Sharing Circles

During this time, attendees who have been assigned to Group B will attend their led sharing circle, while those in Group A will have time to explore Wanuskewin.

Cultural Session
Transition to Bus
Buses Depart back to Holiday Inn Downtown
Bus Loading

There will be buses taking IPAC participants from the Holiday Inn Downtown(101 Pacific Ave, Saskatoon), to the University of Saskatchewan(107 Wiggins Rd, Saskatoon). There will only be one time to catch the departing buses. Buses leave at 8:00AM.


Bus Departs for University of Saskatchewan

Buses transport attendees to the Health Sciences Building at the University of Saskatchewan.

In Transit
Breakfast and Specialty Meetings

Please grab a plate of breakfast and head straight to your specialty meeting room.

Specialty Meetings: (Room TBD)
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Family Medicine
Rural Medicine
Public Health

***These 8 specialties were chosen by IPAC members via a survey sent out December 2024. If other specialties would like to meet independently in a common area they are welcome to do so.****

National Updates A

You will have the option to attend one of the following sessions to discuss and receive an update on:
National Indigenous Health Committees
New Canadian Medical Schools
IPAC Mentorship Program
Waha Project-Queen's

National Updates B

You will have the option to attend one of the following sessions to discuss and receive an update on:
Planetary Health
TRC Report Card

Boxed Lunches and Closing Ceremonies

Please pick up your boxed lunch from HLTH 1130 and join
us in HLTH 1150 for closing ceremonies.