1. Introduction to Marketing
2. Overview of the Marketing Concepts
The Marketing Mix, PCA Model
3. Marketing & Business
Role of Marketing in organization
Harmony with other departments
4. Time Management
5. Self/ Time Management
6. Marketing Environment
Company specific business environment
The Macro business environment
Business growth challenges
Business risk considerations
7. Product
Product Decisions
Product Life Cycle
8. Product
New Product Development and Innovations
9. Price (1)
Factors to consider when setting prices
General pricing approaches
Pricing strategies
10. Price(2)
11. Place
Distribution Channels Decisions
12. Place
Distribution Channels Decisions
13. Promotion
Advertising, Sales Promotions, Direct Marketing
P.O.S Materials
14. Promotion
Public Relations
Advertising Agencies, Creative briefs
15. Promotion
16. Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
Market segmentation procedure
Bases for segmenting consumer markets
Benefits of market segmentation
17. Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
Market Targeting
18. Market Information
Market Research and Intelligence
19. Market Planning
Forecasting & Budgeting
20. Market Planning
21. Marketing Planning
Preparation of Marketing Plan
22. Consumer buyer behavior
23. Organization Buyer Behavior
24. Introduction to Branding
25. Branding and Brand Management
26. Marketing of Services
27. Marketing of Services
28. Marketing to different business models
Business to Consumer Marketing
Business to Business Marketing
29. Marketing to different business models
Marketing to NGOs and Non-Profit Making Organizations
Marketing to the Government
30. Duties of a sales representative
Sales person's job
Different in sales jobs
Examples of Sales jobs – Retail Selling
Missionary Selling, Direct Selling, Selling Commercial and Industrial Goods
Qualifications for success in selling
Choosing a career in sales.
31. Prospecting and Qualifying Potential Customers
Importance of Prospects
Characteristics of a Good Prospect
How and Where to Obtain Prospects
Using Direct Mail for Prospecting
Prospecting by Telephone
How to get the Most out of Prospecting
32. Sales Presentation
33. Presentation skills
Powerful visuals aids.
Designing Powerpoint presentation
Delivering Powerpoint presentation
Class Dramatization
34. Sales Resistance and Objections
The Concept of Sales Resistance
Reasons why Prospects raise Objections
Types of Objections
Types of Objections:
- Objections to delay action
- Product objections
- Sources objection
- Service objection
- Price objection
- Objections related to the salesperson
When to Handle Objections
Methods of Handling Objections
The Price Objection
A Systematic Approach to handling Objections
35. Negotiation and Closing Sale
a) Profile of a Negotiator
The Win-win Strategy
The importance of Knowledge
Basic Tactics
Strategies for Negotiating
b) Closing the Sale
The cause of closing failure
How to Close a Sale.
- Assumptive close
- Alternative Decisions
- Summary & Affirmative Agreement
- Balance Sheet Approach
- Emotional close
- Extra Inducement Close
- Critical Feature Close
- Silence as a closing Technique
36. Competition and how to deal with it
37. Competition and how to deal with it
38. Marketing in Regional Markets
Marketing East Africa Community, Comesa
39. Marketing in Regional Markets
Marketing in other African Countries
40. Customer Service
Justifying customer service
Customer Rights and Expectations
Customer Relation Skills
Understanding different types of customers
41. Customer Service
Customer care elements supportive of marketing
Importance of internal customer care
Becoming a service role model
Institutional factors which affect customer service
Developing and applying service
42. The Company (1)
-Strategic framework and Structures
43. The Company (2)
- Legal Environment & Ethics
44. Communication Skills
Concept and Nature
45. Communication Skills
Various mediums
46. Used effectively
Personal, phones, email, mass media, non verbal, implied.
47. Events Management
48. Technology and marketing
Technological changes since 1950s
New technologies for communication
How to get people to adopt a new technology
Determine which technology is suitable for your organization
49. Technology and marketing
How technology aids marketing
Relevance of technology in Marketing/business
When to adopt new technology
Technology as a marketing strategy
50. Networking for results
51. Credit Management
Crosscutting aspects of credit and sales management
How to establish creditworthiness
52. Management Accounting
53. Financial Costing
Post Secondary Qualification
Fee: 63,000
Intake: February