Title Sponsor (Sold Out) EXCLUSIVE sponsorship (includes team of four with eight mulligans, logo/name recognition at advertising table in registration area, and event banner)
Standard Price Price: $2,500 Buy Ticket Dinner Sponsor (Sold Out) EXCLUSIVE sponsorship (includes team of four with eight mulligans, logo/name recognition at dinner location, and event banner)
Standard Price Price: $2,000 Buy Ticket Lunch Sponsor (Sold Out) EXCLUSIVE sponsorship (includes team of four with eight mulligans, logo/name recognition at lunch location, and event banner)
Standard Price Price: $1,500 Buy Ticket Beverage Cart Sponsors (Sold Out) 2 sponsorships available (includes team of four with eight mulligans, logo/name recognition on beverage cart, and event banner)
Standard Price Price: $1,500 Buy Ticket Ball Drop Sponsor (Sold Out) EXCLUSIVE sponsorship (includes team of four with eight mulligans, logo/name recognition at ball drop location, and event banner)
Standard Price Price: $1,500 Buy Ticket Foursome - Four Golfers (Sold Out) The NAWIC Golf Tournament is a Scramble Format. The team fee is for 4 golfers and includes Green Fees, Driving Range, Lunch, Dinner, and prizes for Closest-to-the-pin and Longest Drive. Contact Misti Shafer-Webb if you want to register as an individual golfer (mshafer@complianceresourcesinc.com).
Standard Price Price: $700.- Buy Ticket Hole Sponsors 18 sponsorships available (includes logo/name recognition and advertising table at the tee box)
Standard Price Price: $500.- Buy Ticket cash donation for liquor raffle cash donation for liquor/wine to fill up the buckets of booze
Standard Price Price: $25.- Standard Price Price: $50.- Standard Price Price: $75.- Standard Price Price: $100.- Buy Ticket
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