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NCAPEC Board Meeting

Participation Limited to NCAPEC Board Members

Reception, Dinner and Discussion

Edward Alden, Bernard L. Schwartz Senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Professor at Western Washington University, author of Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in the Global Economy

Registration and Continental Breakfast
Session One: 2020 Priorities for APEC and ABAC

With APEC expected to decide on a new long-term vision by the end of 2020, Malaysia assumes the chairmanship of APEC at a critical juncture for the institution. In this session, the business and government leadership from Malaysia and the United States will discuss what they expect to achieve between now and the APEC Leaders’ Meeting in November and how this year’s objectives will contribute to a vision for a dynamic, prosperous and inclusive Asia Pacific.

Networking Coffee Break
Session Two: Innovation

As the private sector moves ahead with the commercialization of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things and 5G, governments are forced to make critical regulatory decisions that balance the opportunities new technologies present with the need to mitigate the potential disruptions they may cause. Panelists in this session will discuss how APEC can serve as a venue for promoting understanding of advanced technologies and developing norms around regulatory approaches that will maximize their benefits.

Session Three: Inclusion

Combined with the appropriate policies, new technologies and business models are creating opportunities for small enterprises and members of traditionally marginalized groups to engage in e-commerce or join global supply chains. Panelists in this session will discuss how the public and private sectors can collaborate to ensure the benefits of globalization and technological advancements reach across all segments of society.

Luncheon Session Four: the Coming Age of 5G
Session Five: Integration

With the aim of creating a seamless commercial environment, regional economic integration remains at the core of APEC’s agenda. This session will focus on how APEC can contribute to efforts to ensure the rules of trade for goods and services, whether they are part of multilateral or bilateral agreements, remain relevant in the face of the Asia-Pacific’s dynamic business environment.

Breakout Sessions

Roundtable participants will break into preassigned groups to discuss potential initiatives, deliverables and specific steps to advance business priorities for the Malaysia year and beyond. Groups assignments will be made to ensure representation from government and a broad range of industry sectors.

Closing Session 6: Breakout Session Report and Next Steps