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Friday, May 22, 2020 (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) GMT+7

Event Details

The COVID-19 has forced enterprises across the globe to operate in a number of unfamiliar environments. Most notably, the adoption of remote working and digitization of processes โ€“ which in many cases, has occurred abruptly and before enterprises are ready. The speed of disruption caused by the virus has left little time for organizations to consider cyber-safe protocols, hygiene and user awareness training in moving their workforce to work remotely and use of new technology.

The lack of preparedness is not lost on cyber criminals. Organized cyber-criminal groups are exploiting the fear, uncertainty and doubt which COVID-19 brings to target individuals and businesses in a variety of ways such as Covid19 themed phishing campaigns, exploiting vulnerabilities in third-party control environments, insider threats, and vulnerabilities in remote connections.

It is therefore critical that enterprises are aware of the cyber threat landscape in the current environment. Even as enterprises are preparing to return to busines-as-usual with the relaxation of isolation mandates, these risks will unlikely subside. Remote working is here to stay as compliance to easing safe -distance regulations or as a new normal.

The world is under-attack from the invisible COVID-19; business is vulnerable to attack by largely anonymous cyber enemies.

