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The Starfish Story

There was a young man walking down a deserted beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a frail old man. 

  As he approached the old man, he saw him picking up stranded starfish and throwing them, one by one, back into the sea. 

  The young man gazed in wonder as the old man, again and again, threw

the small starfish from the sand and into the water. 

  He asked, "Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems

to be a waste of time?" 

  The old man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left

in the morning sun. 

  "But there must be thousands of beaches and millions of starfish!" exclaimed the young man. "How can you make any difference?" 

  The old man looked at the small starfish in his hand and, as he threw it to the safety of the sea, he said,

  "It makes a difference to this one!"

                     -Author Unknown

Individual Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

The Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination coordinated and sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) will be held October 16-18, 2020 with the theme Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century. Our previous four conferences were held in hotels in the Washington, DC area in 1997, 2000, 2002 and 2009, but current legal restrictions on assembly and travel require us to hold this conference online, which will make it available to a larger audience.

NVIC's first virtual conference will be produced by a professional audio-visual company working with our staff to make the conference proceedings a quality online experience.

Become an NVIC Starfish Sponsor

We hope you will consider becoming an NVIC Starfish Sponsor. Your special donation of $5,000 (Angel Starfish) or $2,500 (Platinum Starfish) or $1,000 (Gold Starfish) or $500 (Silver Starfish) or $250 (Bronze Starfish) in part will help offset conference expenses and ensure the professionalism and broader reach of the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination: Protecting Health & Autonomy in the 21st Century.

When you become an NVIC Starfish Sponsor:

·     You will receive complimentary passes to NVIC's 2020 online conference for free.

·     You will have a lifetime access to the conference posted online.

·     Your name or the name and logo of your organization will be listed on the conference website within the Starfish Sponsor category you select.

As an NVIC Starfish Sponsor, you will help make this exciting online educational experience more affordable for members of our community, who are struggling to raise vaccine injured children and maintain qualify of life, while dealing with unique challenges and enormous expenses. Your special donation will be used to help offset conference expenses and allow us to offer a steeply discounted attendance price of $80 for this amazing event! 

Help NVIC Make History

This historic conference will feature over 50 distinguished speakers addressing:

·     vaccine science, policy and law;

·     chronic disease and disability epidemic;

·     current public health policies related to COVID-19;

·     state vaccine laws;

·     informed consent to medical risk taking

·     civil liberties and human rights

We anticipate that this conference, which will be permanently accessible online, will reach a U.S. and global audience of three million people minimum.

Why NVIC Tells the Starfish Story

In 1996, after nearly 15 years of work advocating on behalf of families with children who had died or had been severely injured by whole cell pertussis (DPT) vaccine, NVIC co-founders Barbara Loe Fisher and Kathi Williams realized that the pharmaceutical industry, government health agencies and wealthy and politically powerful institutions committed to maintaining the status quo were unlikely to ever acknowledge that vaccines and public health policies should be made safer or more effective. Barbara and Kathi knew that many children would continue to be harmed in the future because those in control of the mandatory vaccination system place a higher value on enforcing one-size-fits all vaccine laws than conducting scientific research to identify and spare the lives of those who are at high risk for suffering vaccine injury and death.

The Starfish Story inspires us to appreciate the value of individual life and the opportunity we have to make a difference in the lives of others.

When you become an NVIC Starfish Sponsor, your special donation will help save the lives of many individual children and families from a lifetime of pain and suffering.

NVIC Co-Founders Barbara Loe Fisher and Kathi Williams

NVIC reserves the right to accept or decline offers of sponsorships for the Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online Oct. 16-18, 2020.