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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 (12:30 PM - 1:30 PM) GMT+10

Event Details

Hera Women is for you, if:

  • You're new to business and feeling overwhelmed.
  • You're established in business, but you've hit a personal or business ceiling.
  • You're ready to scale your business for sale.
  • You're ready to create a self-managing business and pursue a new passion.

Our Promise

  • Traction and growth.
  • Accountability.
  • Genuine and unbiased support.
  • Strategic decision-making.
  • Effective and practical knowledge.
  • Leadership and Business Mentorship.
  • Highly experienced facilitators.

Who should attend?

  • women business owners or co-owners with a growth mindset.
  • women who have just started their entrepreneurial journey.
  • women who want accountability to grow their established business.
  • women who are ready to scale up to sell their business.
  • women who are ready to build a self-managing business.

The biggest risk any woman business owner takes is embarking on the entrepreneurial journey alone.

"Hera Women is stimulating, interesting and empowering.

An absolute must for all women in leadership"

Brady Yoshia| Founder Brady Marcs Buyers Advisory

About Hera Women

Hera Women is a leadership and business mentorship community, empowering women business owners to build healthy and highly profitable businesses.

