Event Details

During this interesting presentation Judy will review the historical perspective of death and the complicated process of dying in America. She will discuss the legislation which sparked the debate and created a framework for end-of-life decision making. The concept of death with dignity in other states, as well as within the state of Illinois, and the role of Advance Directives will also be discussed.

All are Welcome!

For $5.00* โ€“ 1.0 Ethics CE Credit will be awarded to Illinois nurses, social workers, professional counselors, and nursing home administrators. *NO FEE for Consumers/Community Members and those not needing CE credit or certificate.


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Live Webinar Presentation
To receive 1.0 Ethics CE Credit/Certificate - an evaluation must be completed after the presentation and returned to Events@Elderwerks.org
041421 EVAL Altman RtD.pdfdownload
041421 EVAL Altman, RtD.docxdownload


  • Judy Altman (Social Worker at Guardian Hospice)

    Judy Altman

    Social Worker at Guardian Hospice

    Judy Altman LCSW has earned her Masters Degree at the University of Pennsylvania. She has spent over twenty years working as a licensed clinical social worker in healthcare settings. For many years she has been a medical social worker for a local hospital system. During this time, she has had the privilege to work with many individuals and families who experience chronic illness and struggle with issues at the end of life. During this time, she had also been a member of the ethics committee and had many opportunities to advocate for patients and their wishes throughout their chronic illness and at the end of life.

    Judy’s passion for helping and advocating for vulnerable patients has led her to pursue a career in hospice and palliative care. She is currently the senior social worker at Guardian Hospice and Home Healthcare in Northfield, IL .
    Judy is married and has two teenage children.

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041421 EVAL Altman RtD.pdfdownload
041421 EVAL Altman, RtD.docxdownload
041421 FLYER Right to Die.pdfdownload


4/14/21 Right to Die *Professional Ticket*

Webinar Presentation 12:00 PM

All professionals needing 1.0 Ethics CE CREDIT/CERTIFICATE Ticket

**To pay by credit card at a later date, please choose the "check" option when registering. This may be amended prior to the event to pay by credit card online.
*Access information will be emailed after payment has been made.

Standard Price $5
4/14/21 Right to Die

Webinar Presentation 12:00 PM

This ticket is for those NOT NEEDING CE CREDIT and Consumers/Community Members ONLY

Standard Price Complimentary