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Virtual Kick-off


We will cover a brief history of the community development field and explore how real estate development can cultivate strong neighborhoods. Then, when we gather together in June, we will build on this foundational knowledge by discussing the development process, who should be on your development team, and introduce proformas.

Crystal Mountain

In-person: Crystal Mountain Resort

We'll start our in-person learning reviewing the proforma assignment and exploring how proformas can teach you how to think about your projects. Additional topics include funding and financing, as well as our first Design Lab where we'll learn about everyone's potential projects and discuss site plans.

Crystal Mountain

In-person: Crystal Mountain Resort

We'll start our morning with sessions at Crystal Mountain. After lunch, we will take a bus to Frankfort to hear from city leaders about their creative efforts to bring more housing to their community, and then take a tour of several developments. We will eat dinner at Stormcloud Brewing Company and then head back to Crystal Mountain via bus.

Crystal Mountain

In-person: Crystal Mountain Resort

Today we will explore different programs and funding sources for your projects, including LIHTC, other MSHDA programs, green building tools, and more. Tonight's Design Lab will focus on helping you develop your project proforma.

Crystal Mountain

In-person: Crystal Mountain Resort

During the final day of Boot Camp we will wrap up our learning by hearing from another community who will present an innovative case study. We will debrief as a group and make sure you are prepared to present your final project on June 20!

Virtual final presentations


Each project team will have 30 minutes to present their final project to the cohort and experts who will provide meaningful feedback! Final projects serve as a way put your learning into practice and help guide your next steps post-Boot Camp.