As consumers are offered more and more options for purchasing flowers, Florists must differentiate and brand themselves as the “Professional” in the floral industry. Consumers want to spend their hard earn money as prudently as possible. They don’t want to buy inferior product so they will be searching out the “best of the best” when it comes to making purchases. Consumers will be looking for credentials or certifications to help them justify their spend.
The Certified Florist (CF) program was created, and is adminsistered by, members of the Great Lakes Floral Association. It is endorsed by the National Alliance of Floral Associations and recognized nationwide. The program covers all aspects of professional floristry.
It is designed as an at home, in shop, self study program. You will receive the manual and study guide after registering for the course. “Steps to Certification” classes are offered periodically if you feel you need extra help to prepare for the test.
Two to four examinations are held throughout the year. When you feel that you are ready to test, you simply return the exam registration form to the office. A confirmation letter will be sent back notifying you have registered for the exam.
The exam consists of 2 1/2 hours of hands on design. You will make 5 designs, one duplicate, one vase, one pin on corsage, one wrist corsage and one wedding bouquet. The written test is 2 hours and consist of 30 product ID and 100 multiple choice questions. The written exam is provided online though Michigan State University. The hands on exam is available in person at the GLFA Professional Education Center in Haslett, MI or it can be taken online via Zoom.
When you pass each section with a score of 80% or better you become a Certified Florist!
The Great Lakes Floral Foundation (GLFF) has been established to support & advance the floral industry, its members and the communities they serve. The Foundation meets this responsibility through educational opportunities and community enrichment activities.
The GLFF will periodically honor outstanding members of the floral industry who have mentored and inspired their fellow industry members. The Great Lakes Floral Foundation Hall of Fame has been established to record the contributions of those so honored.
The Foundation will support and encourage educational opportunities between the public and design professionals approved by the GLFF board of directors. These programs will be available at a reasonable charge to non-profit community organizations.
The Foundation will also make available financial assistance to those seeking to become a Certified Florist, such as providing matching funds when candidates purchase their study materials. The board of directors will furnish applications upon request. Grants will be award on a one by one basis in accordance with funds available for distribution.