
Thursday, September 11, 2025 (9:00 AM - 5:00 AM) GMT+10

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Australian Red Cross

Humanity Place - 49 Park Rd
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

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8:30 AM

Arrival and Sign In

9:00 AM

Welcome to Sustainable Leadership Practice (SLP)
Scope and positioning of the SLP Program

9:30 AM

My Leadership
Who are you now as a Leader?
Purpose: To explore your current leadership style and the growth you set yourself

10:00 AM

Context In Which You Operate
• Positive and negative stressors
• Expand this to a wider sphere of influence and impact
• Examine the layers of intersect with influence & impact
Purpose: To identify your key stressors, your levels of influence and how to harness your leadership

10:30 AM

Morning Tea Break

11:00 AM

Dilemmas, Dissonance & Incongruity?
• Where is the dissonance, incongruity & dilemmas you face?
• Causal factors of distress & discomfort
Purpose: To explore and understand where the ‘tension points’ are for you as a Leader that are causing you discomfort/distress in the way you are as a Leader

11:45 AM

• What is happening to you?
• Examine Cognitive, Psychological, Physical & Spiritual functioning and wellbeing
• Impact of long-term & concurrent high levels of distress in attempts to optimise performance during crisis
• Examine cumulative and vicarious trauma & consequences of fatigue
Purpose: To explore how the ‘tension points’ are impacting upon you and the consequences in the short-to-medium term.

12:30 PM

Lunch Break

1:00 PM

Reframing Resilience as Positive Adaptation
• Personal reflection
• Common understandings of resilience
• Misconceptions
• Philosophical insights
Purpose: To explore perceptions of resilience and to begin thinking about reframing resilience in the context of positive adaption using philosophy as a guide.

1:30 PM

The Heart of Position Adaptation: Compassion, Courage, Wisdom
• What is compassion?
• What is courage?
• What is wisdom?
Purpose: To propose an ethical premise for positive adaptation that responds directly to the emotional context that has emerged from the morning’s session.

2:30 PM

Afternoon Tea Break

3:00 PM

The Heroโ€™s Journey: A Reflection on the Art of Living
• Exploring the universal mono-myth of the hero
Purpose: To help leaders reframe their lived experiences into the universal mono-myth of compassionate, courageous and wise action

3:45 PM

Reshaping (Redefining) who you are as a Leader
What changes are you making (deleting, reinforcing, adopting, expanding) for sustainable leadership to meet your environment (personally, professionally & the broader influences)
What structures/supports/frameworks are you putting into place to ensure your sustainable leadership is effective and enjoyable?
Reflection on your tension points from Module 3
What’s shifted now?

4:45 PM

5:00 PM

Plenary Discussion