
April 3 & 4, 2025 (EDT)

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Emory Conference Center Hotel

1615 Clifton Road North East
Atlanta, Georgia

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Emory Conference Center Hotel

South Wing

Thursday April 3rd


3:00pm Event Check-in begins at 3pm in the hotel lobby

4:00pm - 6:00pm "Bowling and Beers" Event Sponsored by Advanced Plastics

Bar and Snacks Hosted by Interplastic & HK Research

 Wisteria Lanes Pub and Bowling Alley located in the South Wing


7:00pm On Your Own Dinner

There is a restaurant in the hotel - The Club Room - with bar and casual dinner menu

Click Here for a list of restaurants close by


 Friday April 4th

 Events will take place in the South Wing

8:00am Coffee and Continental Breakfast Sponsored by Composites One

 Starvine Ballroom pre-function area

9:00am โ€“ 9:45am General Session in Starvine 1 Ballroom

 10:00am-12:30pm Breakout Sessions

Details coming soon but will include 

Business Growth Roundtable 

Styrene Roundtable - with Resin Supplier Panel

Tips and Solutions Roundtable with the Technical Committee

Safety, Conflict Management, and Compliance Roundtable


1pm โ€“ 2pm Buffet Lunch in Hotel Dining Room Hosted by Superior



Tour the World Of Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta


Cocktail Reception Hosted by ACS International

Buffet Dinner

Hickory Ballroom - Emory Conference Center
