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November 17 & 18, 2023 (EST)

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Boone: Watauga High and Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute Auto

11/17 Watauga High School, 300 Go Pioneers Dr, Boone, NC 28607
11/18 Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute Auto Body/Auto Mechanics Campus. 3030 Hickory Blvd,
Hudson, NC 28638

Boone, North Carolina

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Event Details

Join us in supporting these two automotive education programs in Boone, NC, and gain insight into how good automotive training can be when schools, educators, families and the community come together and create a plan for success. At this event, ASTA members will come away with ideas on how to get involved in their own local automotive education program's advisory board, and the best ways to engage students and help them grow in our industry.

1: Watauga High School is the golden standard for Automotive Education in NC - it is a working auto repair shop (serving primarily teacher vehicles) where students learn the entire process of auto repair, not just one facet. The instructor is extremely passionate, often seeing over 200 attendees to the advisory council meetings. The instructor, Erik Mortensen, is nationally recognized as being an elite instructor.

2: Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute, Here we have an opportunity to build a relationship with the executive leadership of both organizations which may create further engagement at the state level for ASTA and our programs.

Event Schedule:

11/17/2023 - 5:30PM Watauga High: Open House and cookout

11/18/2023 - 9:00am-3pm Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute: Training and Advisory Council Meeting

Training Sessions:

Tire Repair: TIA Certified Instructor, Gareth Overcash, teaching a basic tire repair class. This will include how to properly repair a passenger or light truck tire, which repairs should and should not be made, and the purpose of proper torque of lug nuts and lug bolts.

Diag Process: Speaker Brandon Dills of JarHead Diagnostics will be covering the steps he goes through in the diagnostic process.

Becoming a True Shop Owner: Rick White of 180Biz will be covering the trajectory from student to shop owner and what owning a repair shop should look like

