We are the oldest class entity in the city of São Paulo, with a history of 127 years, but we never stop looking to the future of those we represent, the entrepreneurs. Therefore, we remained active in the fight for less bureaucracy, reduction of the tax burden, diffusion of credit for small and creation of public policies that stimulate business.
We act as intermediaries in the demands of the business community to the government, and thus we achieved achievements such as the approval of the Positive Registry, the extinction of the CPMF, the approval of the General Law for Micro and Small Enterprises, which would give rise to Simples Nacional, among others.
The Federation of Commercial Associations of the State of São Paulo - FACESP - was born on September 16, 1963. Its ideal, harmony and solidarity between the representative bodies of the state's business classes. Its mission is to sustain, defend and claim, before public authorities, the interests and collective aspirations of the entity's affiliates and to develop an economic, political, social and cultural system based on individual freedom and free enterprise. Such a more structured organization allowed the aligned and united action of trade associations, given the needs of the economic, political and social life of the State of São Paulo and Brazil.
www.facesp.com.br@company"The Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP) brings together business leaders, specialists and consultants to foster the development of entrepreneurship. , develops research and provides practical content on issues that impact the life of entrepreneurs. It represents 1.8 million entrepreneurs, who account for almost 10% of Brazilian GDP and generate around 10 million jobs."
www.fecomercio.com.br@companyThe strength capable of moving the country comes from every entrepreneur who rolls up their sleeves and makes it happen. That's what Sebrae believes in, hard work and more freedom for those who want to produce more.
Because if a stronger Brazil depends on all of us, it can count on the strength of Sebrae to undertake more, do more, innovate more and work together to build a new country.
Sebrae. The strength of the Brazilian entrepreneur.
The Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) is a private entity that promotes the competitiveness and sustainable development of micro and small business enterprises – those with annual gross sales of up to R$ 4.8 million.
working with a focus on strengthening entrepreneurship and accelerating the process of formalizing the economy through partnerships with the public and private sectors, training programs, access to credit and innovation, encouraging associations, fairs and business roundtables.
The solutions developed by Sebrae serve from the entrepreneur who intends to open his first business to small companies that are already consolidated and seek a new positioning in the market.
To guarantee service to small businesses, Sebrae operates throughout the national territory. Where there is Brazil, there is Sebrae. In addition to the national headquarters, in Brasília, the institution has service points in the 27 Federation Units, where courses, seminars, consultancy and technical assistance are offered to small businesses in all sectors.
The National Sebrae is responsible for the strategic direction of the system, defining guidelines and priorities for action. State units develop actions in accordance with regional reality and national guidelines.
Sebrae is a training and development promotion agent, but it is not a financial institution, so it does not lend money. It articulates (together with banks, credit unions and microcredit institutions) the creation of financial products suited to the needs of the segment. It also guides entrepreneurs so that access to credit is, in fact, an instrument for improving the business.
To learn more: Enter the Sebrae Portal or call the Sebrae Relationship Center toll free: 0800 570 0800.
Since its foundation until today, AES Brasil has led positive and lasting changes in the electric energy sector based on the most critical needs of its audiences.
www.aesbrasil.com.br@companySomos a companhia que empodera mulheres com inspiração e independência financeira. Que combate o envelhecimento da pele e luta contra o câncer de mama. Que sabe o valor de lábios perfeitos, e apoia que abram a boca para dizer não à violência doméstica. Que leva a beleza à sua porta, e que te abre tantas outras. A Avon apoia 6 milhões de Representantes da Beleza Avon, em mais de 100 países, e que há mais de 130 anos trabalha pela elevação da auto estima e preservação da vida de um número cada vez maior de pessoas.
www.avon.com.br/@companyIDB Invest aims to be the partner of choice for the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. We finance projects to advance clean energy, modernize agriculture, strengthen transportation systems and expand access to financing.
Like the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), our commitment is to economic growth and social inclusion; that is central to our identity, as part of the IDB Group. But our focus is on the private sector.
As the private sector arm of the IDB Group, we know the region. We work where our clients are and can provide them with customized financing solutions and expert advice tailored to their specific industry and market.
Há 37 anos atuando no Brasil, o Grupo Sabin é um dos maiores players no setor de medicina diagnóstica do país. Fundado em Brasília, pelas bioquímicas Janete Vaz e Sandra Soares Costa, o grupo conta com mais de 6.200 colaboradores , que atendem mais de 5,7 milhões de clientes com um amplo portfólio de serviços de análises clínicas, diagnósticos por imagem, vacinação e check-up executivo em 318 unidades de atendimento no Distrito Federal e nos estados de Amazonas, Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraná, Roraima, São Paulo, Tocantins e Santa Catarina. O Grupo também investe em empresas com atuação na área de atenção primária à saúde e gestão de saúde.
www.sabin.com.br@companyConfederação Nacional da Indústria
A CNI é a principal representante da indústria brasileira na defesa e na promoção de políticas públicas que favoreçam o empreendedorismo e a produção industrial, num setor que reúne mais de 476 mil indústrias no país.
The Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, Brazilcham Sweden, is a non-profitable member organization that has become a reference point and meeting place for Brazilian and Swedish companies.
Our mission is to promote and develop bilateral links between Brazil and Sweden by providing high quality networking as well as relevant information on business opportunities in both countries. Our members have access to a valuable support through our knowledge and understanding of the socio-economic and political relations between Sweden and Brazil.
Become the positive woman you've always dreamed of.
Share your story! Share your trajectory with other Positive Women, learn and multiply your knowledge.
Com mais de 40 anos de tradição, a Dunelli é referência em design e inovação de mobiliário, oferecendo produtos que expressam o máximo de qualidade, conforto e sofisticação.
Além do mix completo de produtos que compõem ambientes internos e externos, a marca conta com peças assinadas por um time de profissionais de nomes consagrados como Pedro Mendes, Ronald Sasson, Tadeu Paisan, Paulo Niemeyer, Daniela Ferro, Giácomo Tomazzi, Fabrício Roncca, Larissa Diegoli, Flávia Pagotti, entre outros.
Com atendimento personalizado e seis lojas estrategicamente distribuídas pela Grande São Paulo, a Dunelli aposta no atendimento personalizado e mais de 10 mil itens em diferentes estilos que aliam, funcionalidade, aconchego e requinte. Sinônimo de bom gosto, hoje se destaca pela versatilidade e infinitas possibilidades de customização.
World Association of Women Entrepreneurs, since 1945 in 120 countries, leadership development, gender equality, women's empowerment.
www.obme.org.br/@companyWe are a multinational movement of 250,000 women worldwide across 120 countries, uniting the women of the world in a spirit of ‘sisters beyond borders’ for our greater sisterhood, solidarity and strength. ALL offers completely free membership to ALL women, across cultures and countries, by referral and invitation.
We are non-political, non-religious and non-dogmatic. Our vision is guided by the mantra of “Love All, Serve All.” Our code of conduct is based on the principle of “All Positivity, No Negativity.” We are founded and headquartered in New Delhi, India with chapters worldwide.
Rede Mulher Empreendedora was born during the “10 thousand Women Program at FGV”, when Ana Fontes had the idea of creating a blog about the fears, doubts and difficulties of female entrepreneurship. She then realized that these questions were shared by other women, who also sought help and support. The Network thus emerged to fill this gap. In 2017, Ana Fontes decided to expand her goals and created the Instituto Rede Mulher Empreendedora, focused on empowering women in vulnerable situations.
rme.net.br/@companyFinocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados is a law firm focused on developing effective and reliable legal solutions. We are highly qualified professionals. Our team is passionate about what they do and that's why they do it well.
We offer legal support in risk management and decision-making processes and work incessantly to improve our clients' business. For us, understanding management practices is the duty of a great lawyer.
We are an office with several areas of activity. Our success stories are the result of our strategic way of acting.
The FIE - Business Internationalization Forum is a cycle of events, which is part of a series of actions that we are building, consolidated as an Internationalization Ecosystem, whose main objective is to help Brazil so that it has a positive internal environment, be it political, regulatory, economic and academic, as we strongly believe that the path to the growth of Brazilian companies and our economic development as a nation, passes through Internationalization, globalization, strengthening of International cooperation agreements, as well as the networking and cultural exchange with leaders from other countries. As part of our actions we created a THINK TANK FIE, which is one of the first in Brazil that seeks to debate and help build public policies in favor of the best international business environment in Brazil.
www.fieglobal.com/@companyWomen's networking club composed of more than 1,200 opinion makers: businesswomen from different segments, entrepreneurs, personalities and other brilliant women focused on partnerships, networking and professional growth.
ladydiamond.com.br/@companySince 2016, ABCasa has been working in favor of the HOME ITEMS, DECORATION, GIFTS, HOUSEHOLDS, PARTIES, FLOWERS AND TEXTILE segments.
Our actions are always based on excellence and innovation to make the 500+ ASSOCIATES sell more, spend less and manage their businesses better.
In a PRACTICAL and TRANSPARENT way, we seek to strengthen the sector, pointing out trends and promoting actions that generate good opportunities within this market that continues to grow.
O Instituto Brasil África (IBRAF) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos que visa promover a cooperação e o engajamento internacional entre o Brasil e o continente africano, defendendo o desenvolvimento social e econômico dos países, potencializando a convergência das agendas dos governos com os interesses do setor privado, e o fortalecimento das relações multilaterais.
ibraf.org/@company107 anos dedicados ao cuidado da saúde das pessoas. Ampla rede credenciada. Estrutura própria. Centros Ambulatoriais próprios. Espaço especializado na Saúde da Mulher.
saocristovaosaudesp.com.br@companyO primeiro robô acessível do mundo, que oferece soluções inovadoras e de engajamento para seus negócios ou necessidades pessoais, utilizando navegação autônoma proprietária da temi e tecnologias de IA (Inteligência artificial)
www.temirobot.com.br/@companyA Câmara Ítalo-brasileira de Comércio, Indústria e Agricultura de São Paulo foi criada por um grupo de banqueiros, comerciantes e industriais italianos, com a finalidade de estreitar as relações comerciais entre empresas brasileiras e italianas. Fundada em março de 1902, em uma reunião na Associação Comercial, por uma comissão formada por 83 representantes de empresas como: João Briccola & Cia., Flli Pugliesi Carbone, Gamba & C., Andreotti & C., Irmãos Fiaccadori e outros.
A eficiência e o prestígio da Câmara garantiu longevidade. Está presente nos estados de São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia e Acre. É reconhecida como importante associação sem fins lucrativos que reúne pequenas, médias e grandes empresas italianas e brasileiras. Integra o Sistema Itália no Brasil, é membro da Assocamerestero onde ocupa lugar de destaque entre as quase 81 câmaras italianas no mundo, e integra o grupo Eurocâmaras no Brasil.
Oferece aos seus associados a melhor assessoria em negócios, proporcionando aos italianos todo o apoio para o desenvolvimento de atividades no Brasil, e aos empresários brasileiros as melhores oportunidades de negócios no intercâmbio com a Itália.
O CECIEx é o Conselho Brasileiro das Empresas Comerciais Importadoras e Exportadoras, cuja missão é defender e representar os interesses das empresas comerciais exportadoras, importadoras, traders, e prestadores de serviços de comércio exterior, assumindo o papel de coordenar as reivindicações desta categoria e levar suas propostas aos órgãos competentes.
www.ceciex.com.br/@companyFundada em 9 de fevereiro de 2004, a São Paulo Chamber of Commerce (SPCC) é um órgão da Associação Comercial de São Paulo (ACSP) que atua na promoção das relações comerciais entre empresas brasileiras, principalmente, paulistas com o resto do mundo.
www.spchamber.com.br/@companyO grupo China Trade Center foi fundado em 2002 na cidade de São Paulo pelo Ministério do Comércio da China e desde então, somos membros do Conselho Empresarial Brasil - China e atuamos efetivamente no desenvolvimento das relações comerciais entre o Brasil e a China.
Promovemos o intercâmbio econômico, tecnológico, cultural e a cooperação entre os dois países.
Somos especialistas em consultoria em comércio exterior, na organização de eventos de atração de investimento, roteiros empresarias e governamentais para grandes feiras mundiais, rodadas de negócios e exposição nacionais.
Possuímos larga experiência internacional, com projetos já realizados em múltiplos países. Conhecemos a diversidade de oportunidades e sinergias nos distintos países em que já realizamos projetos específicos. Possuímos um networking significativo, ideal para uma visão estratégica internacional e geração de negócios.
www.matchmakingbrazil.international/en/homepage/@companyOferecemos ferramentas que dão aos nossos clientes a possibilidade de tomar decisões mais seguras e viver mais livremente.
Para isso, estamos transformando nossa relação com parceiros e clientes. Não queremos ser reconhecidos como aqueles que pagam a conta depois que o pior aconteceu. Nosso desejo é construir relações sólidas e duradouras que nos permitam antecipar riscos.
Somos uma empresa na qual as pessoas podem confiar.