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  • May


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Main Schedule

Registration Networking & Lunch
45 min

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Session One - Keynote Speech
Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Speaker

Helle is an internationally recog...
Helle Bank Jorgensen (CEO & Founder of Competent Boards)
45 min

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Session Two - Fireside Chat
ESG - The Role of the Board

Ignoring ESG factors is increasingly fraugh...
Mary Larson (Partner at MNP)
Justine Hendricks (Chief Corporate Sustainability Officer &SVP Sales and Business Enablement at Export Development Canada (EDC))
45 min

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Coffee Break
Session Three - Panel, Moderated by Alyssa Barry
Shareholder Activism- Serving on a dissident or management slate during a proxy...
Alyssa Barry (Principal at irlabs)
Christine Carson (President & CEO of Carson Proxy)
Norma Beauchamp (Director of Extendicare /Aurora /Dialogue /HLS Therapeutics)
45 min

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Session Four - Speaker
Board Strategy - The Elephant in Your Strategy: Strategic Bias and What Boards C...
Kim Stangeby (Partner and Head of Strategy Consulting at Odgers Berndtson)
45 min

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Session Five - Panel, Moderated by Andrew MacDougall
Board Diversity Matters: Agents of Change
Andrew MacDougall (Partner at Osler)
Wendy Kei (Board Chair at OPG)
Leanna Falkiner (Chief Strategy, Digital and Marketing Officer at evoQ)
45 min

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Networking & Cocktail Reception
Agent of Change Sponsor Welcome by Sandra Henderson, Chief Operating Officer &am...
90 min

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Registration Networking & Lunch

Wednesday May. 18 - 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM (45 min)

Session One - Keynote Speech

Wednesday May. 18 - 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM (45 min)

Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Speaker

Helle is an internationally recognized expert on sustainable business practices, with a 30-year record of turning environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks into innovative and profitable business opportunities. She works with many global Fortune 500 board members and executives, as well as smaller companies and investors.

In 2020 she was awarded the Global Impact Award and named one of "5 people in ESG to look out for."

Wednesday May. 18 - 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM (15 min)

Session Two - Fireside Chat

Wednesday May. 18 - 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM (45 min)

ESG - The Role of the Board

Ignoring ESG factors is increasingly fraught with business risk — from fines and lost contracts, to difficulty securing financing, paying higher interest rates, and losing valued employees. Mandatory reporting will soon be a reality for many organizations. On the plus side, over 90 percent of institutional investors believe that “a company with strong ESG performance deserves a premium valuation to its share price.” With these kinds of stakes, ESG has become a Board-level strategic issue. This discussion will explore the creative and disciplined ways that the Board of one very important entity, Export Development Canada is addressing ESG and highlight some of the best practices that boards ought to be considering.

Coffee Break

Wednesday May. 18 - 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM (15 min)

Session Three - Panel, Moderated by Alyssa Barry

Wednesday May. 18 - 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM (45 min)

Shareholder Activism- Serving on a dissident or management slate during a proxy fight

Being asked to serve on a dissident or management slate during a potential activist mandate can be flattering and intimidating. What are the risks vs rewards? How do you prepare for the worst and plan for the best? What happens once the dust settles?

This panel will tackle topics such as reluctance to be the “token woman” and activists targeting female CEOs and whether appointing a female CEO drives long-term shareholder value.

Wednesday May. 18 - 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM (15 min)

Session Four - Speaker

Wednesday May. 18 - 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM (45 min)

Board Strategy - The Elephant in Your Strategy: Strategic Bias and What Boards Can Do About It

The concept of bias and the impact our invisible preferences have on our visible choices are well-established. From hiring bias to the sunk cost fallacy, we’re painfully aware of the decision-making glitches in our human CPUs. Many of the controls and governance systems we have in place are to help us correct for biases, and yet some of the biggest risk areas remain hard to address because they are very challenging to get at. The most daunting of all is something we rarely hear talked about: CEO strategic bias.

Wednesday May. 18 - 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM (15 min)

Session Five - Panel, Moderated by Andrew MacDougall

Wednesday May. 18 - 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM (45 min)

Board Diversity Matters: Agents of Change

Networking & Cocktail Reception

Wednesday May. 18 - 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (90 min)

Agent of Change Sponsor Welcome by Sandra Henderson, Chief Operating Officer & Regional President, Greater Toronto, BMO Private Wealth
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