
Welcome to the Alberta Allied Roofing Association membership! As a member we intend to connect you to many other qualified contractors, vendors, suppliers, and great people to help build your business here in Alberta. Together we can create an environment that people from all over Alberta can come to educate themselves, and receive qualified top quality roofing materials or services from you. To do this please join in our communities here and get involved in our events, we want to connect, and share the success we can all have when we work together. If you have any questions or want to get involved right away let us know!

  • Gold Sponsorship
    12 months
    Package price
    CAD $3,500
    • Company logo listed on the AARA website homepage & Sponsorship Page
    • Company logo listed on every monthly newsletter
    • Full page advertising space on monthly newsletter quarterly
    • 'Sponsor Spotlight' recognition on all AARA social media platforms 6 times per year
    • 4 networking access invites to attend a AARA general luncheon meeting per year
    • 3 opportunities per year to present and advertise at a AARA general luncheon meeting
    • No charge for up to 2 attendees at any AARA social event
    • Sponsorship of a 'Hole in One' at the AARA annual golf tournament and dinner
    • No charge for up to 2 participants in the AARA annual golf tournament and dinner (any additional participants will pay member pricing)
  • Silver Sponsorship
    12 months
    Package price
    CAD $2,500
    • Company logo listed on the AARA website homepage & Sponsorship Page
    • Company logo listed on every monthly newsletter
    • 1/2 page advertising space on monthly newsletter quarterly
    • 'Sponsor Spotlight' recognition on all AARA social media platforms 4 times per year
    • 3 networking access invites to attend a AARA general luncheon meeting per year
    • 2 opportunities per year to present and advertise at a AARA general luncheon meeting
    • Member pricing for up to 2 attendees at any AARA social event
    • Sponsorship of a 'Hole in One' at the AARA annual golf tournament and dinner
    • Member pricing for a foursome to participate in the AARA annual golf tournament and dinner
  • Bronze Sponsorship
    12 months
    Package price
    CAD $1,500
    • Company logo listed on the AARA website homepage & Sponsorship Page
    • Company logo listed on every monthly newsletter
    • 1/4 page advertising space on monthly newsletter twice per year
    • 'Sponsor Spotlight' recognition twice per year on all AARA social media platforms
    • 2 networking access invites to attend a AARA general luncheon meeting per year
    • 1 opportunity per year to present and advertise at a AARA general luncheon meeting
    • Member pricing for up to 2 attendees at any AARA social event
    • Member pricing for up to 2 participants in the AARA annual golf tournament and dinner
  • AARA Contractor Membership
    12 months
    Package price
    CAD $1,995

    In this membership access all the benefits of being a member of the Alberta Allied Roofing Association membership, including:

    1. Access to use of the AARA logo, website and brand to gain a competitive advantage over non-member companies
    2. Ability to engage with the AARA community through events, and online
    3. Reduced training costs offered by the association
    4. Attend events to provide your insight and expertise to the roofing environment in Alberta