Binarri-binyja yarrawoo (BBY) is the backbone organisation for Empowered Communities in the East Kimberley.
Binarri-binyja yarrawoo Aboriginal Corporation ('BBY') was established on 15 June 2016 to perform the role of backbone organisation for Empowered Communities East Kimberley ('ECEK').
Empowered Communities is a shared philosophy and collaboration framework for Aboriginal-led development and reform. It is about Aboriginal people taking greater responsibility for developing and leading our own plans for change. BBY is a neutral facilitator, assisting its members meet the aims of Empowered Communities, which are to empower Aboriginal individuals and families to achieve economic, social and cultural development and achieve greater productivity from available resources and opportunities.
Empowered Communities initiatives are taking place in 10 regions across Australia. Each region, including the East Kimberley, consists of a coalition of local Aboriginal Organisations who have opted in to Empowered Communities and work together towards developing and achieving the Aboriginal empowerment agenda for their region. In the East Kimberley, we have 28 member organisations and we want to grow this membership base so we can build a truly Regional Development Agenda.
These opt-in organisations work together, along with BBY and its Board, to set priorities within a long-term development agenda aimed at building a future in which Aboriginal people participate equally in the regional economy, value our culture, educate our children, look after our old people and lead long and healthy lives.
Interested in becoming a member, contact Office Mob to discuss your eligibility.
Eligibility โ Aboriginal Organisation Members
An organisation is eligible to be an Aboriginal Organisation Member if:
(a) it is an Aboriginal Organisation;
(b) it provides services to Aboriginal people in need in the East Kimberley;
(c) a receiver, receiver and manager, administrator, special administrator, provisional liquidator or liquidator is not currently appointed in relation to the Aboriginal Organisation; and
(d) there is no current