
Welcome to the GBA Community!

Since our establishment in 1995, the GBA has been a vibrant and dynamic hub fostering growth and collaboration within the German business landscape. With nearly 400 corporate members, we are proud to be one of the largest foreign business associations in Vietnam. As a founding member of EuroCham, GBA membership automatically includes EuroCham membership at no additional cost, providing you with an array of valuable services to support your business development in Vietnam.

Key Membership Benefits:

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with German, European, and Vietnamese businesses, along with key stakeholders, through a diverse array of business, cultural, and social activities designed to build valuable relationships.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Keep abreast of trends, regulations, and market insights through events and seminars conducted by industry experts.
  • Advocacy and Support: Leverage our advocacy efforts that promote German and European business interests in Vietnam and receive assistance with trade and investment matters.
  • Visibility and Branding: Enhance your organization's visibility by participating in Monthly Business Meetings as a speaker, hosting Members for Members workshops, sharing updates through our exclusive GBA member notification channel, or sponsoring GBA events. These opportunities not only boost your brand exposure but also foster networking and collaboration within the German business community in Vietnam.

Join us to benefit from these advantages and become part of a thriving network that supports your business growth in Vietnam

* Attention: Please note that in addition to our LE (Large Enterprise) and SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) memberships, we also offer a specialized membership option tailored specifically for start-ups and companies with very small and limited business operations, not intended for business expansions into Vietnam, for a maximum 2-year trial basis. For more information on our Mini membership, kindly contact the GBA office directly at

  • Ordinary Corporate Member (OC) - Large Enterprise ( LE)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Ordinary Corporate Member (OC)| Voting right of 1 vote per Company

    Companies with a legal presence in Vietnam in a form permitted by the laws of Vietnam that are:

    a. Companies established under German laws, or:

    b. Majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies, or:

    c. Companies with substantial ties to Germany.

    *LE (Large Enterprise): Company fulfills 1 or more of the following conditions:

    • Has more than 500 employees in Vietnam; or
    • Has more than 1,000 employees globally; or
    • Has operations in more than 5 countries
  • Ordinary Corporate Member (OC) - Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Ordinary Corporate Member (OC)| Voting right of 1 vote per Company

    Companies with a legal presence in Vietnam in a form permitted by the laws of Vietnam that are:

    a. Companies established under German laws, or:

    b. Majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies, or:

    c. Companies with substantial ties to Germany.

    • SME (Small & Medium Enterprise): Only applicable if none of the LE classifications are met and fulfills
  • Associate Corporate Member (AC) - Large Enterprise (LE)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Associate Corporate Member (AC)| (no voting right)

    1. Any company established under the laws of Vietnam, or

    2. Any company established under German laws, without a legal presence in Vietnam in a form permitted by the laws of Vietnam, that are:

    a. Majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies, or

    b. Companies with substantial ties to Germany.

    *LE (Large Enterprise): Company fulfills 1 or more of the following conditions:

    • Has more than 500 employees in Vietnam; or
    • Has more than 1,000 employees globally; or
    • Has operations in more than 5 countries
  • Associate Corporate Member (AC) - Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Associate Corporate Member (AC)| (no voting right)

    1. Any company established under the laws of Vietnam, or

    2. Any company established under German laws, without a legal presence in Vietnam in a form permitted by the laws of Vietnam, that are:

    a. Majority-owned subsidiaries of such companies, or

    b. Companies with substantial ties to Germany.

    • SME (Small & Medium Enterprise): Only applicable if none of the LE classifications are met and fulfills