Bundle (up to 10 members)
Subscription Period: 1 year
Automatic Renewal (recurring payments)
The Founders' Level Membership entitles a company to ten (10) individual memberships and includes the below:
Member pricing for all MASC Events.
One (1) Table at the Annual Gala.
One (1) Foursome at the Maritime Golf Tournament ( applicable to both tournaments / year).
Ten (10) Tickets and sponsorship recognition to Oktoberfest.
Premier Sponsor listing on MASC website.
Premier Sponsor recognition throughout the year at every event.
Member Spotlight.
Quarterly Breakfast Briefing with Barbara Melvin, SC Ports Authority President & CEO.
Monthly Nav/Ops Meetings.
Maritime Mixers.
Bundle (up to 8 members)
Subscription Period: 1 year
Automatic Renewal (recurring payments)
The Captains Club membership entitles a company to eight (8) individual memberships and includes the below:
Member pricing for all MASC Events.
One (1) Table at the Annual Gala.
One (1) Foursome at the Maritime Golf Tournament (only applicable to one tournament / year).
Eight (8) Tickets and sponsorship recognition to Oktoberfest.
VIP Sponsor listing on MASC website.
Membership recognition throughout the year at various events.
Member Spotlight.
Quarterly Breakfast Briefing with Barbara Melvin, SC Ports Authority President & CEO.
Monthly Nav/Ops Meetings.
Maritime Mixers.
Bundle (up to 6 members)
Subscription Period: 1 year
Automatic Renewal (recurring payments)
The Beacon Club membership entitles a company to six (6) individual memberships and includes the below:
Member pricing for all MASC Events.
One (1) table at the Annual Gala & Meeting.
Two (2) tickets to Oktoberfest.
Quarterly Breakfast Briefing with Barbara Melvin, SC Ports Authority President & CEO.
Monthly Nav/Ops Meetings.
Maritime Mixers.
Bundle (up to 4 members)
Subscription Period: 1 year
Automatic Renewal (recurring payments)
The Anchor Club membership entitles a company to 4 individual memberships and includes the below:
Member pricing for all MASC Events.
Quarterly Breakfast Briefing with Barbara Melvin, SC Ports Authority President & CEO.
Monthly Nav/Ops Meetings.
Maritime Mixers.
Bundle (up to 2 members)
Subscription Period: 1 year
Automatic Renewal (recurring payments)
The Palmetto Club membership entitles a company to two (2) individual memberships and includes the below:
Member pricing for all MASC Events.
Quarterly Breakfast Briefing with Barbara Melvin, SC Ports Authority President & CEO.
Monthly Nav/Ops Meetings.
Maritime Mixers.
CMCA is an association whose purpose is to provide information to its members, government entities and the general public regarding the trucking industry; to promote highway safety and improve the industry's image, and provide an open forum for the advancement of commerce in the region.
Its primary activities are to hold regular meetings and social events in the metropolitan area of Charleston South Carolina, consisting of Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley Counties.
Charleston Women in International Trade (CWIT) champions the role of international trade professionals, particularly women in Charleston and throughout South Carolina.
By offering monthly luncheon programs, networking opportunities, continuing education scholarships, academic scholarships and recognition for excellence, CWIT seeks to enhance the status of women working in trade-related fields while connecting professionals.
This corporate membership is for one company, up to 3 members.