
MSK is the national umbrella body for all marketers in Kenya whose key mandate is to empower and regulate the marketing industry by creating policy that governs the Marketing Industry (self-regulated), education and training of professionals, corporates and entrepreneurs, marketing and business mentorship and arbitration through the Advertising Standards Board.

  • Associate
    12 months
    Package price

    Eligibility is open to

    • Fresh Marketing graduates.
    • Non-Marketing graduates employed in a marketing related job or are pursuing the MSK practitioners course, or,
    • Non-University graduates with at least three years' experience in a Marketing-related job and a diploma in marketing.
    • Non-marketing graduates with at least one year experience in a marketing related job.


    • Entitled to MSK membership certificate.
    • Attending MSK events through personal invites.
    • Discount in educational courses.
    • Receiving of the Sokoni monthly magazine.
    • Entitled to a single voting right during the AGM
    • Participating in the MSK Excursions.
  • Young Professional Marketer
    12 months
    Package price

    Eligibility is open to

    • Individuals who have graduated from a recognized institution within the past 2 years.
    • Individuals with up to 2 years of professional work experience in marketing.


    • MSK Membership Certificate
    • Attend MSK education and training programs at a discount rate.
    • Access to Exclusive Webinars, Workshops, and Skill Development Sessions
    • Networking Opportunities
    • Eligible to write for the Sokoni Magazine.
    • Access to Career Development Resources
    • Access to the MSK Mentorship Program for Entry-level Marketers
    • Discounted Rates for MSK Events
    • Access to job opportunities.
    • One Vote at the MSK AGM
    • Eligible to Upgrade to Full Membership after 2 Years at a discounted rate.
  • Full Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Eligibility is open to

    • Marketing graduates with over 2 year experience in a marketing environment.
    • Marketing graduate with MSK certificate or Diploma.
    • Graduate of MSK course or Diploma, with over three years' experience in a marketing environment.
    • University graduate with MSK course or executive diploma and three years working experience.
    • At least three years marketing experience with marketing qualifications that the committee will recognize as adequate.


    • Issuance of MSK Certificate
    • MSK education and training programs at a discount rate.
    • Opportunity for qualified trainers to lecture at the MSK educational centre
    • Opportunities to become a MSK Fellow member.
    • Receiving of the Sokoni monthly magazine.
    • Participating in the MSK events and excursions.
    • Eligibility to join the MSK executive committee.
    • One voting right during the AGM
  • Students
    12 months
    Package price

    This cadre of membership is open to Marketing students at University or recognized Institutions of higher learning. Students here may also join through a marketing organization.

    Eligibility is open to

    • Attending MSK selected functions/events.
    • Best MSK student award (Undergraduate Marketing best student)
    • MSK will participate in student's activities.
    • MSK will offer internships opportunities as available.
    • Involvement in career talks or other talks.Each student will receive the Sokoni Magazine.


    • Eligible to receive the Best MSK student Marketing campaign Award during the annual MSK Awards Gala
    • MSK will offer internships opportunities when available.
    • Attending of the MSK student's mentorship programInvolvement in career talks and related speaker events.
    • MSK will participate in student's marketing club activities.
    • Each student will receive the Sokoni Magazine.
    • Attending MSK selected functions/events.
  • Expatriate Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Eligibility is open to

    • Marketing graduates with over 10 years of experience in a marketing environment.


    • Graduates with 10 years of experience in a marketing environment.
    • MSK Practitioners Diploma certification.
    • Must have been an MSK Full Member for at least 5 years.


    • Issuance of MSK Certificate
    • A letter of commendation on the achievement of an Expatriate member will be sent to your employer (upon request)
    • Your elevation can be announced in a section/society and/or newsletters, and website.
    • Expatriate Member plaque: An engraved plaque you can proudly display to colleagues, clients, and employers.
    • Join the expatriate digital forum for networking.
    • Attend MSK education and training programs at a discount rate.
    • Networking Opportunities (Marketers Experiences – Discounted Rates and Member – free webinars.)
    • Eligible to write for the Sokoni Magazine
    • Opportunity to be a trainer at the MSK seminars/trainings.
    • Opportunities to be considered as a consultant to a corporation when needed.
    • Eligibility to join the MSK executive committee.
    • One voting right during the AGM.