
MSK is the national umbrella body for all marketers in Kenya whose key mandate is to empower and regulate the marketing industry by creating policy that governs the Marketing Industry (self-regulated), education and training of professionals, corporates and entrepreneurs, marketing and business mentorship and arbitration through the Advertising Standards Board.

  • Platinum (CPMSK)
    12 months
    Package price


    More than 15 employees or with a turnover above 50 million per year and practicing marketing.


    • Issuance of corporate membership certificate to acknowledge you as an MSK Member.
    • Speaking Opportunity in at least 3 webinars.
    • Opportunity to participate in 1 physical event.
    • 4 Passes at selected Marketers Experiences.
    • Free Training Needs Analysis for your marketing team with Accompanying free introductory session.
    • 2 Free training on specific marketing aspects.
    • Opportunity to Co-host a Sector Specific Engagement.
    • Discounts on seminars/training offered by MSK.
    • Opportunityy to receive verified graduating students for internship programs.
    • Discount on advertisement in the Sokoni publication.
    • Provision of verified marketing consultants to aide member consultancy
    • needs and requirements at discounted rates.
    • Free recruitment for Marketing related roles through our Mask-Match services.
    • Three corporate representatives who will enjoy benefits of an Individual Member.
    • 3 Voting rights at the AGM
  • Gold (CGMSK)
    12 months
    Package price



    Any company with less than 15 employees and annual turnover of less than 50 million and professing Marketing.


    • Issuance of corporate mmembership ccertificate to acknowledge you as an MSK member.
    • Discount on seminars/training at MSK.
    • Speaking Opportunity in at least 2 webinars.
    • Opportunity to participate in 1 physical event.
    • 3 Passes at Marketers Experiences.
    • Free Training Needs Analysis for your marketing team with Accompanying free introductory session.
    • 1 Free training on specific marketing aspects
    • Opportunity to host a Sector Specific Engagement.
    • Opportunity to receive verified graduating students for internship programs
    • Discount on Advertisement on the Sokoni magazine space.
    • 2 Corporate representatives who will enjoy the benefits of an individual member.
    • 2 voting rights at the AGM
  • Silver (CSMSK)
    12 months
    Package price


    Micro Small Enterprise & New Startup businesses with an Annual Turnover of ≤5Million


    • Issuancecertificate. of corporate membership certificate to acknowledge you as an MSK member.
    • Discount on seminars/training at MSK.
    • Speaking Opportunity in at least 1 webinar.
    • Opportunity to participate in 1 physical event.
    • 2 Passes at Marketers Experiences.
    • Opportunity to host a Sector Specific Engagement.
    • Opportunities to receive verified graduating students for internship programs
    • One Corporate representative who will enjoy the benefits of an individual member.
    • One voting right during the AGM