
Job seeker Member

Members who are actively seeking out employment opportunities in various sectors and industries. We work closely with employers to understand their needs and match them with suitable candidates from our membership base. We also provide resume review, interview preparation, and career counseling services to help our members present themselves effectively during the job search process.

Business Builder Member

We offer our Business Builder members resources and support to help them launch their own successful ventures. From business planning to funding opportunities and mentorship, we strive to empower our members to turn their innovative ideas into sustainable businesses.

UGSA Ambassador

Individuals who support the cause for eradication of graduate unemployment. Our ambassadors members contribute financially and though elevating the impact of UGSA's initiatives.

UGSA Sponsor

Organisations that believe in the cause for eradicating graduate unemployment. They support the initiatives of the UGSA financially and by creating space in their organisations and network organisations to host graduates for workplace experience.

  • Sponsor
    12 months
    Package price
    R 10 000

    Organisations that believe in the cause for eradicating graduate unemployment. They support the initiatives of the UGSA financially and by creating space in their organisations and network organisations to host graduates for workplace experience.