Welcome to the Western Section AUA where together we advance urology through educational support, resources and networks. We focus on achieving your professional goals and enhancing and expanding our diverse community. Building professional relationships in the urology field and providing the education and resources you need to thrive in your career and better serve your patients is our top priority. As a community of urology professionals, members are encouraged and expected to be actively involved and participate in meetings. The ability to share knowledge, skills and best practices raises the industry standard and increases the opportunity for members to support and learn from each other. We hope you will join us and come to our next meeting so you too can become a part of a great tradition of camaraderie and excellence! Doctors of Osteopathy are welcome!
(1) Graduation from an acceptable medical school with receipt of an M.D. or D.O. degree.
(2) Postgraduate Training in hospitals approved by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, or its or its equivalent. This must include completion of an approved urological residency.
(3) Eligibility for certification by the American Board of Urology, Inc. or the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada.
(4) Limitation of the applicant's practice entirely to the specialty of urology for at least one (1) year within the geographical area of the Western Section.
(5) Certification in writing by the applicant that he/she has read, understood, and agrees to abide by the By-Laws of the Western Section.
(6) Individuals who have successfully completed the qualifying examination (Part I) of the American Board of Urology shall be offered Associate membership. Membership extends to all other Sections of the AUA and AUA Candidate Members in good standing.
(7) Possession of an unlimited license to practice medicine and surgery in the State, Province or Country of residence.
(8) In special instances, the Board of Directors may waive a qualification or requirement and recommend for associate membership a Urologist whose position and achievement, in its opinion, warrants such action.
(b) Procedure
(1) The procedure for obtaining Associate Membership shall be the same as that for Active Membership except as occurs under Section 3(a)(6).
(2) The names of applicants for Associate Membership shall be published in the Official Program under the legend, "Applicants for Associate Membership".
(3) At the Annual Meeting after approval by the Membership Committee and payment of the initiation fee, applicants endorsed by the Board of Directors shall be recommended for election to Associate Membership. Their names shall be published in the Official Program.
(4) Applicants who receive a majority vote of the Active, Senior and Associate Members present and voting at the Annual Business Meeting will be elected to Associate Membership.
(5) Advancement to Active Membership.
An Associate Member who meets all the requirements for Active Membership and who desires advancement to Active Membership shall make such a request to the Secretary in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Meeting. His/her name will be published in the Official Program under the legend, "Applicants for Election to Active Membership" and be voted on and elected according to Article 1, Section 2, (b), (5).
Affiliate Membership shall consist of:
(1) physicians in related fields of medicine and science who cannot qualify for Active or Associate Membership and
(2) non-physician scientists who, by their professional or personal accomplishments, have contributed significantly to medicine in general or the specialty of Urology in particular. They shall be nominated by two (2) Active, Senior or Associate Members who shall furnish the Membership Committee with the curricula vitae and other pertinent information.
(b) Applicants for Affiliate Membership must be recommended by the Membership Committee and endorsed by the Board of Directors.
(c) They shall be elected if they receive a majority vote cast by the Active, Senior and Associate Members present and voting at the Annual Meeting.
(d) They shall not be eligible for office nor shall they have the right to vote. They shall be exempt from an initiation fee and assessments but shall pay the dues levied upon this classification.
Allied Membership
(a) Membership in this category is available to persons who are Allied Members of the National AUA and include non-physician professionals such as nurses, nurse practitioners, technicians, physician assistants and medical assistants specializing or concentrating in urology and serving in a health care setting.
(b) They shall not be eligible for office nor shall they have the right to vote.
(c) They shall be required to pay annual dues.
(d) An applicant must be recommended by the Membership Committee which shall at its discretion, submit the applicant's name to the members at the Annual Business Meeting.
(e) They shall be elected if they receive a majority of votes of the members present and voting.
Corresponding Members
(a) Urologists who practice in areas beyond the geographic boundaries of the Western Section American Urological Association and who would otherwise qualify for active membership may apply for corresponding membership.
(b) The application for corresponding membership shall be carried out in the same manner as application for active membership as outlined in Article 1, Section 2, (b).
(c) An applicant must be recommended by the Membership Committee which shall at its discretion, submit the applicant's name to the members at the Annual Business Meeting.
(d) Applicants for Corresponding Membership shall be elected if they receive a majority vote of the members present and voting.
(e) Corresponding members are not eligible for office nor do they have a right to vote.
(f) All corresponding members will be required to pay an initiation fee and annual dues.
(g) Corresponding members who relocate their practices within the geographic limits of the Western Section must apply for advancement to Active, Associate, or Senior status by submitting such request in writing to the Membership Committee of the Section within one (1) year.