International Metalworking News for Asia (IMNA) print magazines, digital e-magazines, and fully interactive magazine Apps with video links on iTunes and Google Play facilitate technology transfer by providing readers in English (with highlights in Chinese) with industry news and trends. IMNA has been providing readers in Asia practical solutions for improving productivity, reducing cost, and turning innovations into real competitive advantages to advance their operations. These readers depend on IMNA for detailed technical information for real-world applications Metal Cutting, Lasers, Tooling & Workholding, Software & Control, Metrology, Welding and Metal Forming & Fabrication that can help them develop their business planning and strategies, product quality, process stability, equipment reliability, operator safety and business profitability, as they take advantage of the emerging opportunities from the Asia region. Our editorial partners include Ringier’s family of Metalworking magazines covering the Greater China and a team of authoritative editorial advisors throughout South East Asia. For suppliers, International Metalworking News for Asia is an effective multimedia platform which provides the latest information on their products and services. Through a dedicated Metalworking vertical, the industry community can find daily news updates and exclusive online features, videos and reports on major industry events – including live updates from trade shows as they happen – to keep the industry stay informed. E-newsletters featuring headline industry news, trade show coverage, and analysis and market reports keep you linked to the industry with your latest company information. the past seven years, International Plastics News for Asia has established itself as a leading source of exclusive content and technical articles for the plastics and rubber industry in the Asia Pacific region. Prepared and written by a team of industry and editorial experts from Ringier Trade Media, the print magazine, its electronic newsletters and vertical, digital e-magazine and Mobile Apps reach decision-makers in Asia Pacific's plastics processing companies, contract molders and manufacturers with in-plant machinery lines. Published 6x a year, it provides the latest market information, quality technical features, trade show reviews, and people and company profiles. Also included are technical articles and reports from Ringier's family of plastics magazines covering the Greater China, Middle East and Africa regions, Modern Plastics and Polymers in India, and Plastics Engineering in the US – each of which are leading magazines in their respective markets. For suppliers, it is an effective multimedia platform which provides the latest information on their products and services.艾爾發的靈魂思想——專業造就品質,將產品品質置於首位。無論是前期的零部件採購,還是最終的整機檢測,艾爾發嚴格監控每一個環節、每一道工序、每一點細節,確保每一台機器功能穩定、性能卓越。
『艾爾發工業集團』由集團創辦人暨董事長施復興先生于 1988 年創立。自成立以來即以【天行健,君子以自強不息】的信念來經營企業,同時以《誠信、熱忱、創造、卓越》的理念為每一客戶永續服務。在近三十年的企業成長過程中,艾爾發工業集團藉由注塑機專用機械手奠定的事業根基,進而拓展到注塑產業生產自動化系統整合、數控加工中心、注塑輔機設備、環保集塵設備等各產業領域的研發與製造。
TRUMPF创立于1923 年,起初是一家机械厂,如今已经发展为工业用机床、雷射技术和电子技术领域的世界领先企业。本公司拥有14490 名员工,2018/19 财政年度营业额达37.84 亿欧元。