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Standard Pass (local participants)--Indian rupee

Includes all seminar sessions, 5-star hotel luncheons, and tea breaks. the comprehensive documentation, cocktail dinner party,
*(Local participant: Indian OEMs, manufacturers operating in India)

  • 标准价格价格:₹7,080

Group Disc. --Indian rupee

Includes all seminar sessions, 5-star hotel luncheons, and tea breaks. the comprehensive documentation, cocktail dinner party,
*(Local participant: Indian OEMs, manufacturers operating in India)

**If you want to register for "more than 3 attendees", please contact Ms Ananya Choudhary at Ananya.Choudhary@publish-industry.net or Ms Amber Chang at amberchang@ringier.com.hk for direct assistance.

  • 标准价格价格:₹10,620

Early Bird Pass (March)--Indian rupee

Includes all seminar sessions, 5-star hotel luncheons, and tea breaks. the comprehensive documentation, cocktail dinner party,
*(Local participant: Indian OEMs, manufacturers operating in India)
