This event is now sold out. Please contact the organizer for more details or view other events from International Association of Laboratory Schools.

Members ONLY Registration

Select this ticket if your school or university is a member of IALS or you are an individual member. This ticket is valid for attending the entire conference.

  • Standard PricePrice:$400.-
Buy Ticket


Select this ticket if you or your school/university are NOT members of IALS. This ticket is valid for attending the entire conference.

  • Standard PricePrice:$450.-
Buy Ticket

One-Day Ticket for Members ONLY

Select this ticket if your school or university is a member of IALS or you are an individual member. It is valid for ONE day.

  • Standard PricePrice:$250.-
Buy Ticket

One-Day Ticket for NON-MEMBERS

If you, your school, or your university are NOT members of IALS, select this ticket. It is valid for ONE day.

  • Standard PricePrice:$300.-
Buy Ticket

Ticket for FULL-TIME students

Select this ticket if you are a FULL-TIME student. When you purchase this ticket, you must send a copy of your student ID or proof of registration to

  • Standard PricePrice:$200.-
Buy Ticket