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May 15 - 19, 2017 GMT+8

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1 Ayer Rajah Avenue


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Day 1

( 05/15/2017 )

Day 2

( 05/16/2017 )

Day 3

( 05/17/2017 )

Day 4

( 05/18/2017 )

Day 5

( 05/19/2017 )

8:00 AM

6:00 PM

Global CEO Programme - Day 1
Due Diligence Tour

This session includes a tour of the company used in the simulation. The professor will guide participants through a virtual tour of the factory and introduce key employees in the simulation.

During the due diligence tour the professor will give a series of tips about management styles prevailing in the company that are both productive and counter-productive. The professor will also give a number of scenarios that will help contextualize the company and its settings

Negotiations to Acquire the Company
This role-play could be with external role-players who simulate engagements with lawyers, sellers, and bankers to acquire the company, or where participants can role-play for each other. There are advantages to both approaches. There is a greater sense of reality with purely external role-players, plus their feedback after the negotiations can be very helpful to participants’ learning. When participants role-play for each other they experience both sides of the negotiation.

The metaphor of acquiring the company is convenient for several reasons. Firstly, it gives an entry point for the simulation. Secondly, presuming that the participants are members of the management team would be complicated as the details of the simulation will be new to them. Additionally, being a new management team poses unique challenges.

Team Diagnostic and Definition
Before the start of the simulation, team members self-determine their roles (or if the client prefers, the roles can be assigned to participants). After the negotiations, all participants will complete a worksheet that helps them determine if the roles to which they are currently assigned are optimal for them and the team. Team members can then decide whether to change any of the roles or keep them as currently allocated.

Union and Employee Management
Throughout the simulation, participants will engage with the unions and employees through email correspondences, as well as meetings with the professor. The team will need to decide on how to engage with unions, employees, and the professor as well as email responses.

8:00 AM

6:00 PM

Global CEO Programme - Day 2
Town Hall Meetings
The professor will engage with the teams on how to make their first presentations to all employees of the simulated company. Participants will be exposed to town hall presentations.

Meetings with the bank – Renewing Credit Facilities
Each team will need to prepare financial information for a meeting with the company’s commercial banker. They will have incomplete and flawed information and a limited amount of time to prepare. They will then meet with an external role-player who is an actual banker. The team will need to make a professional presentation to the banker and persuade the banker to believe in the leadership of the company.

Engaging key Customers
Each team will meet with an external role-player who act as a key customer. The customer is up for contract renewal and will have a number of serious concerns. The teams will need to present and engage professionally to retain the customer. The teams will also need to engage customers through a series of email and meetings with the professor.

Sales Force Management
Through email exchanges and meetings with the professor, the participants will engage with their sales team and deal with problems in the sales organisation and make the necessary changes.

Project Management
Throughout the simulation there are a number of projects that need regular attention (through email and meetings with the professor) ranging from investments in buildings and machinery to information technology and human resources initiatives.

8:00 AM

6:00 PM

Global CEO Programme - Day 3
Crisis Communications
The participants will be exposed to a number of surprises, caused by rules violations as well as inherited problems. Participants need to manage these situations as professionally as possible when under pressure.

Engaging the Press
All team members will be interviewed on camera by a mock BBC TV journalist. The initial purpose of the interview is to feature the new leadership in the company. However, the interview will prove to be more challenging than expected. This will be a thrilling experience and will prove to be an excellent training ground for being media savvy.

Hiring/Firing Employees
Team members need to go through the process of reviewing CVs, performing interviews, and making hiring decisions. There will also be at least one clear opportunity to dismiss one or more employees. Participants will need to make these decisions and feedback will be given on how they managed the situations.

Environmental Impact
The participants will be exposed to a factory which has environmental risks. They will need to take careful action to safeguard the company, shareholders, management, employees, the community, local government, et al, from the implications of the dangers posed by the situation.

8:00 AM

6:00 PM

Global CEO Programme - Day 4
Investing in Information Technology
The company has serious challenges with IT and the team members need to make swift decisions on how to budget and invest in IT hardware and software.

Process Improvements
Team members will quickly learn on how to make effective process improvements that benefits the company.

In-house vs. Outsource Production
Team members need to weigh-in on decisions to continue production in house or outsource it by taking into consideration of calculating costs, impacts on employees and customers.

Change Management
Team members will be exposed to the change management process. Every decision has a cascading effect throughout the company. It is during meetings with the professor that teams explore what changes can be made and how it can have a positive impact or otherwise.

8:00 AM

6:00 PM

Global CEO Programme - Day 5
Trade Fair
We will run a trade fair, with all teams hosting a booth. We also have role-players that visit the booths and actively engage as customers, potential customers, suppliers, trade press, and more. Participants will need to represent their company with professionalism over a series of engagements.

Ethical Challenges
Participants will be exposed to one surprise ethical challenge. They will need to take careful action in accordance with the law that will protect the shareholders, company, and all concerned parties.

Meeting with the Chairman of the Board
Each team must prepare a strategy presentation and present it to the Chairman who happens to be the professor. The meeting is led by the team appointed CEO but must include active preparation and engagement by all team participants. The presentation is made toward the end of the course after the participants have had time to learn the company and formulate strategies.