

Invocation and National Anthem

Master of Ceremonies

Welcome Remarks
Ms. Maricor Anne D.G. Cauton

Welcome Remarks

  • Ms. Maricor Anne D.G. Cauton (Director, Finance and Administration of Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP))

    Ms. Maricor Anne D.G. Cauton

    Director, Finance and Administration of Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP)
Opening Message
Usec. Niño Raymond B. Alvina

Opening Message

  • Usec. Niño Raymond B. Alvina (Office-In-Charge Undersecre, Policy Development and Management Services Group (PDMSG) at Department of Finance)

    Usec. Niño Raymond B. Alvina

    Office-In-Charge Undersecre, Policy Development and Management Services Group (PDMSG) at Department of Finance
Acknowledgment of Participants and Overview of the Program

Acknowledgment of Participants and Overview of the Program

Empowering Women in Extractives: Strengthening Voices, Breaking Barriers, and Driving Change
Ms. Beverly “Bon” BesmanosMs. Annie G. DeeMs. Maan BaribarMs. Jennifer Pia Sibug-lasMs. Djoan Kate Tungpalan, PhDMs. Jeanira Godio-OkuboMs. Miriam BuergoMs. Araceli Bayubay-Mercado

This presentation explores the critical role of women in the extractive sector, with a focus on amplifying their voices, addressing challenges, and creating pathways for empowerment. It highlights the experiences of women, particularly from Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities, and discusses strategies to promote gender inclusivity in resource governance.
Key discussions include advancing Women in STEM, enhancing education and capacity-building opportunities, and tackling gender-based issues such as workplace harassment, violence against women and children (VAWC), and women’s rights. With expert insights and policy-driven dialogues, this session aims to drive meaningful change, foster equity, and strengthen women’s representation in the extractives industry.

  • Ms. Beverly “Bon” Besmanos (National Coordinator at Bantay Kita)

    Ms. Beverly “Bon” Besmanos

    National Coordinator at Bantay Kita
  • Ms. Annie G. Dee (President at Teresa Marble Corporation)

    Ms. Annie G. Dee

    President at Teresa Marble Corporation
  • Ms. Maan Baribar (Manager, Community and Public Relations Department at Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippine Holding Corporation)

    Ms. Maan Baribar

    Manager, Community and Public Relations Department at Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippine Holding Corporation
  • Ms. Jennifer Pia Sibug-las (Chairperson at National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP))

    Ms. Jennifer Pia Sibug-las

    Chairperson at National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)
  • Ms. Djoan Kate Tungpalan, PhD (Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Engineering at University of the Philippines Diliman)

    Ms. Djoan Kate Tungpalan, PhD

    Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Engineering at University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Ms. Jeanira Godio-Okubo (Member at PILIPINA, Inc. Baguio-Benguet Chapter)

    Ms. Jeanira Godio-Okubo

    Member at PILIPINA, Inc. Baguio-Benguet Chapter
  • Ms. Miriam Buergo (GAD Consultant at (Affiliated with the Philippine Commission on Women))

    Ms. Miriam Buergo

    GAD Consultant at (Affiliated with the Philippine Commission on Women)
  • Ms. Araceli Bayubay-Mercado (Chairperson at Save Sierra Madre Network Alliance, Inc.)

    Ms. Araceli Bayubay-Mercado

    Chairperson at Save Sierra Madre Network Alliance, Inc.
Harnessing Gender-Sensitive Data to Drive Inclusive Extractive Governance
Atty. Maria Karla L. EspinosaDir. Jeanette T. DamoMs. Mary Ann D. RodolfoAtty. Joan D. Adaci-CattilingMs. Diory G. CarrDir. Cecilia Ochavo-SayconProf. Maria Aurora Teresita Tabada

This topic could explore how the collection and analysis of gender-sensitive data are crucial to understanding the specific needs and contributions of women and marginalized groups in the extractive sector. It would focus on the importance of accurate data in shaping policies, monitoring progress, and ensuring that women’s voices are included in decision-making processes. The discussion could also cover challenges and best practices for gathering and utilizing gender-disaggregated data.

  • Atty. Maria Karla L. Espinosa (Director IV of Department of Finance)

    Atty. Maria Karla L. Espinosa

    Director IV of Department of Finance
  • Dir. Jeanette T. Damo (Executive Director of Institute of Labor Studies, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE))

    Dir. Jeanette T. Damo

    Executive Director of Institute of Labor Studies, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
  • Ms. Mary Ann D. Rodolfo (National Coordinator at PH-EITI)

    Ms. Mary Ann D. Rodolfo

    National Coordinator at PH-EITI
  • Atty. Joan D. Adaci-Cattiling (President and General Manager for External Affairs and Social Performance at OceanaGold (Philippines), Inc.)

    Atty. Joan D. Adaci-Cattiling

    President and General Manager for External Affairs and Social Performance at OceanaGold (Philippines), Inc.
  • Ms. Diory G. Carr (Development Management Officer III  and GAD Focal Person at Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB))

    Ms. Diory G. Carr

    Development Management Officer III and GAD Focal Person at Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)
  • Dir. Cecilia Ochavo-Saycon (OIC- Regional Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Region 6 (Western Visayas))

    Dir. Cecilia Ochavo-Saycon

    OIC- Regional Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Region 6 (Western Visayas)
  • Prof. Maria Aurora Teresita Tabada (Head, Gender Resource Center at Visayas State University)

    Prof. Maria Aurora Teresita Tabada

    Head, Gender Resource Center at Visayas State University
Atty. Odette A. Javier


  • Atty. Odette A. Javier (VP Assistant Corporate Secretary and Cheif Info Officer at Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co.)

    Atty. Odette A. Javier

    VP Assistant Corporate Secretary and Cheif Info Officer at Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co.
Closing Remarks
Atty. Ronald Rex S. Recidoro

Closing Remarks

  • Atty. Ronald Rex S. Recidoro (Executive Director of Chamber of Mines of the Philippines)

    Atty. Ronald Rex S. Recidoro

    Executive Director of Chamber of Mines of the Philippines


Lunch and Networking

Lunch and Networking