Ms. Maricor Anne D.G. Cauton
Director, Finance and Administration of Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP)- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Usec. Niño Raymond B. Alvina
Office-In-Charge Undersecre, Policy Development and Management Services Group (PDMSG) at Department of Finance- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Beverly “Bon” Besmanos
National Coordinator at Bantay Kita- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Annie G. Dee
President at Teresa Marble Corporation- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Jennifer Pia Sibug-las
Chairperson at National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP)- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Maan Baribar
Manager, Community and Public Relations Department at Sumitomo Metal Mining Philippine Holding Corporation- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Djoan Kate Tungpalan, PhD
Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Engineering at University of the Philippines Diliman- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Jeanira Godio-Okubo
Member at PILIPINA, Inc. Baguio-Benguet Chapter- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Miriam Buergo
GAD Consultant at (Affiliated with the Philippine Commission on Women)- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Araceli Bayubay-Mercado
Chairperson at Save Sierra Madre Network Alliance, Inc.- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Atty. Maria Karla L. Espinosa
Director IV of Department of Finance- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Dir. Jeanette T. Damo
Executive Director of Institute of Labor Studies, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Mary Ann D. Rodolfo
National Coordinator at PH-EITI- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Atty. Joan D. Adaci-Cattiling
President and General Manager for External Affairs and Social Performance at OceanaGold (Philippines), Inc.- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Ms. Diory G. Carr
Development Management Officer III and GAD Focal Person at Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Dir. Cecilia Ochavo-Saycon
OIC- Regional Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Region 6 (Western Visayas)- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Prof. Maria Aurora Teresita Tabada
Head, Gender Resource Center at Visayas State University- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Atty. Odette A. Javier
VP Assistant Corporate Secretary and Cheif Info Officer at Lepanto Consolidated Mining Co.- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname

Atty. Ronald Rex S. Recidoro
Executive Director of Chamber of Mines of the Philippines- www.firstnamelastname.nl
- @firstname