Registration & breakfast
Opening of the event

Safety briefing

Opening speech

Fiona Chong, Head of Commercial (Assurance), BSI Malaysia

Scaling Up the Carbon Neutrality Efforts: The Known Unknowns
Wan Muqtadir Wan Abdul Fatah

- Understanding the Scale-Up Challenge
- Overcoming Barriers
- Innovative Solutions

  • Wan Muqtadir Wan Abdul Fatah (Head of Sustainability at BSI)

    Wan Muqtadir Wan Abdul Fatah

    Head of Sustainability at BSI
Tea Break
Case studies and building partnership
Wan Muqtadir Wan Abdul Fatah

Q&A session

  • Wan Muqtadir Wan Abdul Fatah (Head of Sustainability at BSI)

    Wan Muqtadir Wan Abdul Fatah

    Head of Sustainability at BSI
End of the event