Elected or Appointed DA's Only Lawrence Welk Room (Mezzanine Floor)
Opening Reception
Bob and Delores Hope Room (Mezzanine Floor) Beverages sponsored by Prosecutor by Karpel
Registration and Breakfast Buffett
17th Floor Lobby Breakfast buffet closes at 9:30 AM.
Prosecution of Lawyer Alex Murdaugh for Murder and Theft from his Clients S. Creighton Waters
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Given by the Attorney General of South Carolina, Alan Wilson, and his lead prosecutor on the case, Creighton Waters, this presentation will focus on the high profile investigation, prosecution, and conviction of prominent South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh by jury trial for the murders of his wife and child, and by plea for years of theft from clients and others. The presentation will explain the role in the South Carolina judicial system of the Attorney General, the State Grand Jury, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, and other partners working on the matter, and their collective efforts in uncovering and presenting the case to the jury and the court.
S. Creighton Waters
Senior Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Chief Attorney, State Grand Jury Section at South Carolina Attorney General’s Office
17th Floor Lobby
Vendor Announcements
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
The Wiretap Act In-Depth: Troubleshooting Wiretap Issues for Experienced Prosecutors Robert Smulktis•Michael Madeira
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Robert Smulktis
Senior Deputy Attorney General- Drug Strike Force at PA Office of Attorney General
Michael Madeira
Senior Deputy Attorney General at PA Office of Attorney General
Lunch on your own.
The Wiretap Act In-Depth: Continued Robert Smulktis•Michael Madeira
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Robert Smulktis
Senior Deputy Attorney General- Drug Strike Force at PA Office of Attorney General
Michael Madeira
Senior Deputy Attorney General at PA Office of Attorney General
The Wiretap Act In-Depth: Continued Robert Smulktis•Michael Madeira
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Robert Smulktis
Senior Deputy Attorney General- Drug Strike Force at PA Office of Attorney General
Michael Madeira
Senior Deputy Attorney General at PA Office of Attorney General
Adjourn: Turn in CLE Forms
Please leave your forms with the registratin desk.
Registration and Breakfast Buffet
17th Floor Lobby Breakfast Buffet closes at 9:30 AM.
Asset Forfeiture Danielle Brown•Adrian Shchuka
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Danielle Brown
Chief Deputy Attorney General at PA Office of Attorney General - Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section
Adrian Shchuka
Assistant Chief Deputy Attorney General at PA Office of Attorney General
17th Floor Lobby
Legislative Update Kelly Callihan•Kelly Lloyd
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Kelly Callihan
Executive Director of Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association/Institute
Kelly Lloyd
Deputy District Attorney/Chief - Diversion and Pretrial Unit at Montgomery Co. DA's Office
Lunch on your Own
Case Law and Traffic Safety Update Maureen Flannery Spang•Nathan Boob
Grand Ball Room (17th Floor)
Maureen Flannery Spang
Legal Resources Prosecutor at Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association/Institute
Nathan Boob
Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor at Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association/Institute
Adjourn: Turn in CLE forms.
Please leave your forms with the registration desk.
President’s Reception
Urban Room (17th Floor) Sponsored by AXON Enterprise, Inc.
Closing Banquet
Urban Room (17th Floor)
Sky Room (17th Floor) Sponsored by Corrections Development Inc.
PDAA Executive Committee Meeting/PDAI Board of Directors Meeting
Allegheny Room (17th Floor)
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