When and where will the congress be held?
The congress is on July 7-11, 2019 at PICC Complex, Pasay, Metro Manila. Actual program will start on July 8-10, 2019. The agri-educational tour and cultural tour on July 11, 2019 is not mandatory.
Who can attend the congress?
Registration is open to everyone interested in the field of agriculture, member or non-member of PAA, with or without license in agriculture.
How do I register for the national congress?
Go to this page and click "Buy Ticket" to proceed with the online registration. The venue can only accommodate 3,000 participants. On-site registration will only be allowed if there are still available slots.
How much is the registration fee and when is the deadline of registration?
Please be mindful of the registration fees and deadlines:
Date ....... ....Members Non-Members
May 07, 2019 Php6,500 Php 10,000
May 22, 2019 Php7,000 Php 10,000
June 07, 2019 Php7,500
Do you accept reservations of slots?
Yes, we will accept reservation of slots but payment must be made on or before May 07, 2019. If payment is not made during the specified date, the slots will be released and given to others.
Where do I pay the registration fee?
We are only accepting bank payments. The bank details are listed below:
Once paid, please send us a copy of the deposit slip to with FULL NAME_PAYMENT as subject head.
I need an official invitation that needs to be submitted in our office. Can you send me an invitation?
For invitation requests, please send the following details to with FULL NAME_INVITATION as subject head.
Will I receive Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit units for attending the congress?
When you attend the congress, you are eligible to earn CPD credit units. Total CPD credit units of the program is subject to the approval of the CPD Council for Agriculture. Attendance will be tracked via scanner at the doors.
What hotel should I stay at during the congress?
This is a live-out congress and there are many options available to choose from. For flight details and accommodations with corporate rates, please contact: JTB Asia Pacific Philippine Corp (
What should I wear?
Dress code is strictly business casual. We suggest you dress in layers as the temperature in the reception hall can vary considerably.
Can I present my paper during the congress?
There will be no oral presentations but we will be accepting poster presentations which will be open for viewing at the exhibit area during the congress. Please visit Call for Papers for more information.
I wan to become a PAA Member. How do I apply?
For membership application, please visit our website.
What should I bring during the congress?
Please bring and present your e-ticket, valid government ID, and proof payment when claiming your congress kit.
I did not receive my e-ticket yet. What should I do?
Registration will only be approved once payment is verified by PAA Secretariat. Once approved, the e-ticket will be sent to the e-mail you used upon registration.
What if I change my mind?
No refunds will be entertained. You may transfer your slot to another person but it must be made in writing and may be emailed to not later than June 15, 2019.