The poster preferred to be presented during the summit are those based on on-going or completed researches / extension work dealing with cross-cutting issues / technologies related to the theme "Embracing and Institutionalizing the 4th Agriculture Revolution in the Digital Age" that have been undertaken during the last 3 years.
The abstracts should be limited to 250 words
The papers must be written in English
The title of the paper must be capitalized
The author(s) full name(s) must be underlined with the first name appearing first and an asterisk place after the name of the poster presenter. The names of the authors should be followed by their complete office/institution address(es). In cases where there are several authors coming from different institutions, superscript number should be indicated corresponding to the author and address. Do not abbreviate.
The text should start on the next line, indented 5 spaces, 12 pt, Times New Roman
Provide 4-5 key words
All abstracts should be submitted not later than April 15, 2019 (EXTENDED UNTIL MAY 15, 2019)
Submit abstracts to with FULL NAME_ABSTRACT as subject head.
This is a past event
Philippine Association of Agriculturists, Inc. might have other events you're interested in.