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Dear Brothers and Sisters of YEN,

How fast time flies. It's time again for the most important event on the YEN's calendar, the YEN International Summit!

As Chairman of the organising Chapter, I am deeply honored to be given the opportunity to pen the introduction to this year's Summit to be held in Singapore from the evening of the 24th of May till the early afternoon of the 27th May. This is the first time that our Summit will be held in South East Asia and our team has worked very hard to come up with an itinerary that we are sure will enhance the learning experience and comradeship among us.

This year's Summit will resolve around the theme LEAD - Leadership, Exponential Growth, Altruism and Disruption. These are key components that have been identified to be critical in today's economy and to the success of entrepreneurship. You will see from the following that we have lined up an exciting panel of speakers, facilitators and integration programs.

I look forward to each and everyone's participation and seeing all of you in Singapore in May 2018.

各位雁博會的兄弟姐妹, 時光飛逝,轉眼又到了雁博會最重要的年度活動 – 雁博國際高峰會。

作為今年高峰會籌備分會的主席,我非常榮幸地向大家介紹今年的高峰會將於5月24 日晚上至5月27日下午在新加坡舉行。這是雁博會第一次在東南亞地區舉行高峰會, 而我們團隊也竭盡全力為大家安排了一個豐富充實的行程。

今年高峰會的主題將圍繞LEAD – Leadership領導才能,Exponential Growth指數級 增長,Altruism利他主義,以及Disruption 颠覆。這幾項都是對今天的經濟發展和創 業者成功至關重要的因素。透過講師們的演講和一系列的融入活動,相信你一定能 對這些要素有更深刻的了解!


Thank you 感謝!

Mark Oh 胡炯权

Chairman, Singapore Chapter 新加坡分會會長


JW Marriott Hotel Singapore South Beach
30 Beach Road, Access via Nicoll Highway

See route

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